A lunch for the speakers

November 11, 2010 • 6:31 am

The Colombians know how to put on the dog when it comes to feeding scientific visitors. Here’s the lunch we had yesterday (others have been just as good).

Apéritif: a jugo, green mango juice heavily infused with ginger. Spectacular!

Appetizer: Tropical fruit cup

Main course:  ajiaco, a traditional chicken/potato soup from Bogotá.  It comes with lots of mix-ins: capers, cream, hot sauce, parsley, rice, banana, avocado, and a disk of arepa, the Colombian equivalent of a tortilla.

Before doctoring:

After doctoring; this was one terrific meal:

Finally, postre: ripe sauteed plantains with a caramelly sauce.

There was also wine on offer, but why would anybody want booze when you can drink freshly-squeezed tropical fruit juice?

Many thanks to the organizers of this meeting, particularly Dr. Angela Restrepo, for running a fine symposium and providing terrific amenities. There is sightseeing today, and I’m off to Bogotá tomorrow.

12 thoughts on “A lunch for the speakers

  1. Wow, that sounds like a meal I’d love. I’ve never heard of any Colombian restaurants in my state, though 🙁 Guess I’ll have to check for recipes online.

    Are those black beans in there, or something else?

      1. Oh, the only capers I’ve seen were smaller and green, not dark brown like that. Maybe they were pickled, whereas these are fresh.

  2. Thanks for the photos, I’m hungry now.
    I always find it helps to remember that wine is fruit juice, although the best of it is quite old.

  3. I read a review in this morning’s NYT of the movie made by Sebastian Junger: Restrepo about a platoon of US soldiers in Afghanistan. The camp was named for Pfc. Juan Restrpo, a medic killed soon after the platoon arrived in Afghanistan.
    Then I see the name of Dr. Restrepo and was struck by it.

  4. Oh man… This looks so good, and sadly it’s the kind of thing I’ll almost certainly never have the pleasure of tasting. 🙁

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