8 thoughts on “Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ footie ‘n’ Hitch

  1. No, unsolicited prayer doesn’t make you “superior”. It does make you a condescending jackass.

    1. Well, I responded to the Catholic Herald piece but it was removed so here it is in its entirety:

      > prayers – a more practical remedy.

      If you want to be of practical help, give money to cancer research in his name. It helps society as a whole and makes the person feel better. Thats what I do.

      Can some atheist “celebrity” like Jerry C or Richard Dawkins start a
      fund like this? It has to be a public figure so folks will know it is on the up-and-up. The money to go
      to a cancer org such as the American
      Cancer Society and the equiv. British fund?

    2. But praying for a miraculous cure that would convert Hitch is at least more charitable than the condescending jackass at LA Times whose only commment was to ask who Hitch would pray to.

  2. My comment was left on the Cat. Herald site. Here it is:
    > he has my sympathy; prayers as well – a more practical remedy.

    If you want to do something practical to help a cancer victim, donate a little money to cancer research in their name.
    It will help society as a whole and make them feel better. That’s what I do.
    (moderator, please remove my previous redundant msg)

  3. Can some “celebrity” like Jerry Coyne or Richard Dawkins start a
    fund like this? It has to be a public figure so folks will know it is on the up-and-up. The money would go
    to a cancer org such as the American
    Cancer Society and the equiv. British fund.

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