9 thoughts on “Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ dueling victimhood

  1. Somewhere in the deepest, darkest reaches of the back corners of my warped subconscious is a situation remarkably similar to the standoff scene in Reservoir Dogs…with Steve Buscemis Mr. Pink representing: (a) secular society, or (b) whichever major religion manages to dodge the others’ “bullets”.

  2. I am not aware of any religion other than Islam where “criticism and mockery” is labeled a “phobia”. In nearly every case, accusations of “Islamophobia” are a blatant misuse of language perpetrated to push critics of Islam onto the back foot and frame any exchange around a mischaracterization of the substance of and motivation for the criticism. Calling someone or something “Islamophobic” is just an evasive misdirection.

    All that said, there are reasons to fear Islam, as in the modern age it is far and away the religion most likely to spawn acts of extreme violence, and it is very clear about its goal of subjugating the entire planet. But a phobia generally is an irrational fear, and this concern is most demonstrably rational. There’s nothing “phobic” about it.

    1. It may be phobic, but not irrationally so. It is curious that I haven’t seen Christophobic applied to critics of Christianity (or to atheists like myself).

      1. It is curious that I haven’t seen Christophobic applied to critics of Christianity

        I suspect it is because it does not fit the Critical Theory narrative.

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