Caturday felid trifecta: Chirping cats; cat bullies a husky; Cats in the RIjksmuseum; and lagniappe

April 27, 2024 • 9:30 am

It’s time for Caturday again.

First, from Cole and Marmalade, we have, yes, a page devoted to chirping cats. You can find anything on the internet.

Click to read:

An excerpt:

People absolutely love it when cats do the funny sound that’s become known as ‘Ekekek.’ We usually call it chattering, the strange sound that cats often make when they see a bird from the window. Others call it chirping, similar to trilling. They often do it when they see another cat outside.

Sometimes, they do it for no apparent reason at all, like Jugg below!

Video by Cole and Marmalade featuring our own Jugg of Jugg and Zig Zag:

The chirping is also known as “machine-gunning,” and is often seen when a cat spies a bird outside the window:

More videos of cats making “that noise”:

. . . and cats chattering en masse:


Here a cat bullies a husky, going for the d*g’s ears and muzzle. As you expect, the d*g doesn’t like it. But the husky doesn’t try to hurt the moggy.


The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, a gold mine of Dutch art, is most famous for housing Rembrandt.  And I’ll be going there in about two weeks. The museum itself, though, has put up a post showing ten of its most popular cat paintings, which you can see by clicking below. I’ve singled out five.

Detail from “The Fall of Man” by Cornelis Corneliszoon van Haarlem, 1592 (full painting here).  This is apparently the most popular depiction of a cat in the museum.

Cornelis van Haarlem, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Children Teaching a Cat to Dance“, by Jan Steen, painted 1660-1679. A detail is below; the cat clearly doesn’t like it:


“Dog and Cat Dancing”, attributed to Adriaen Matham after Adriaen Pietersz. van de Venne, 1620 – 1660. Source, Rijksmuseum site.

Cat by Anselmus de Boodt (1550-1632). From

Henriëtte Ronner-Knip (1821-1909), “Kittens at Play”. I’m not sure this one is in the Rijksmuseum, but other cat paintings by the artist are.


Lagniappe:  In footage captured from a ring camera, a cat fights off black bear:

h/t: Matthew

6 thoughts on “Caturday felid trifecta: Chirping cats; cat bullies a husky; Cats in the RIjksmuseum; and lagniappe

  1. Thank you so much for this particular Caturday! I really needed the “ekekeking” cats this morning. Haven’t laughed that much for a long time. Some of my cats make the same sounds, mostly when looking at birds or squirrels. Several of them have learned that, if I make that sound while looking out the back door, there is something of interest, so they come running to check it out.

  2. That chirping is so familiar! Our cats (four of them over the years) weren’t so loud, but they definitely made the sound when watching birds through the window. It was if they knew they couldn’t get to the birds, but they were still so excited by them that the emotion of the moment broke through.

  3. I was fascinated by the video of the cat harassing the husky. I’m a cat person, and my wife is a dog person. I sometimes behave like the cat, and my wife sometimes behaves like the husky. I hadn’t considered it before, but maybe I should add some ekking chirps…

  4. My mama cat was a big ekeker. Seeing such a variety of beautiful cats up so close reminds me (again!) how much I adore cats and am missing having them in my home. Cats are, quite simply, the coolest creatures on the face of the earth. I have roadrunners who frequent my back yard and when they click their beaks it reminds me of chattering cats. I do hope some wayward feline finds its way to my doorstep soon. For reasons I don’t understand, I’ve not gone and got one from the shelter but I would welcome one (or more) if it appeared.

  5. It doesn’t look to me like the cat was trying to bully the husky, but rather was trying to induce play. The husky just wasn’t into it.

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