Some videos by Tom Gross on the Middle East violence and worldwide demonstrations

February 25, 2024 • 12:45 pm

I’m adding here, with permission, some short videos sent by Tom Gross in his latest newsletter. His descriptions (bolding is his) are indented.

At the very moment Brits lit up Big Ben in de facto support of Hamas, brave crowds in Gaza risked their lives to denounce Hamas:

American Ivy League students praise Houthis while Houthis crucify and stone gays to death:

NYPD finally make arrests as Columbia University students intimidate Jews, call for end of Israel:

Red Crescent helps Hamas terrorists escape, while Red Cross fails to visit even one Israeli hostage or provide medicines:

UNICEF – open to helping all children except Israeli ones:

Freed female teenage hostage speaks of Hamas sex crimes against Israeli girls still in captivity:

IDF releases newly captured Hamas footage of the red-haired Bibas kids, the world’s youngest hostages:

Working-class Latinos in LA who actually have jobs to get to, clear the freeway of middle-class Palestine supporters blocking their road to work:

Pro-Hamas mob chase & threaten to behead Iranian who expresses sympathy with Israeli victims:

The BBC called these pro-Palestine demonstrators in London yesterday “peaceful”:

And one I found: the brave and vociferous Noa Tishby on the sexual violence of Hamas (WARNING: Some disgusting crimes described):

6 thoughts on “Some videos by Tom Gross on the Middle East violence and worldwide demonstrations

  1. There is a very interesting Wikipedia piece on Tom Gross, covering his family background and connections with Orwell’s widow, and his many achievements. It covers his commitment to fair coverage of Israel as well as of other issues in the Miiddle East.

  2. Allies of Palestine can’t convince people of their arguments so try to force. Says a lot about their arguments.and them. D.a., typing on the road- sorry.

  3. From his wikipedia page there was a link to an article he wrote about the medias distortion of the life of Gazans. His article was written 14 years ago. They have been pumping out this BS for over a decade so of course the left is going to be prejudiced against Israel. And it is still going on.

  4. I read a comment on another site saying that Israeli soldiers had gone through a Gaza hospital pulling out the plugs on babies’ incubators.

    It sounded implausible, so I typed it into Google and received a long list of Arab or Muslim sites, all in English. Al Jazeera for example.

  5. I watched every one of the clips. We’re witnessing here the behavior of our young people. Where did we go wrong? How can this happen? All I can say is that the world is completely f#ck*d up.

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