18 thoughts on “Octopus vs. crab!

  1. This is a relief from reading Judith Butler, thank you.

    Octopus – larger mass, moves easier.

  2. Not much of a battle really. Like the Cannibal said at dinner. This is pretty good, who is it?

  3. My guess is octopus but I favour them so it could be my bias. I just don’t see a crab standing a chance against 8 tentacles and a beak paired with high intelligence and a record of stealthy predation. But maybe I’m wrong.

    1. I had no doubt at all that the octopus would prevail.

      But then, from the very first time that I started diving here in Southern California 50 years ago, and began to meet them in their native environment, the octopus has been my spirit animal.

      “Live fast and die young.” Lucky for me that I avoided following their life plan in that regard.

  4. I believe it’s going to be the octopus. I don’t think the crab has the power to overcome the 8 tentacles with its claws, not with the intelligence and agility of the octopus. Off to watch the video 🙂

  5. That’s a fight like cat v. rat is a fight.
    Crabs are just kind of scavengey, no? That octopus is a stone crustaceanivore.

  6. Fantastic video, thanks for posting. As a linguist who loves to play with words i always wish that just as we use the Latin style cacti for plural of cactus we should do the same with octopus. Octopi is much more poetic and fitting for such amazing creatures.

  7. At least two of the Leopard 2 tanks could be recovered by the Ukrainian army. The tracks were lost, but the tanks do not appear to have any further damage. The vehicles can be repaired.

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