Mars Perseverance Rover lands today!

February 18, 2021 • 8:30 am

Today the Mars Rover “Perseverance” will land on the Red Planet at 3:55 p.m. Eastern U.S. time (2:55 Chicago time, 8:55 pm London time). You’ll want to be online then, for the landing will be filmed live with several cameras and a microphone. NASA has a countdown page here, which links to all kinds of information about the Rover and the mission.

The live NASA videocast, however, begins over an hour earlier, at 2:15 p.m. EST, 1:15 Chicago time, and 7:15 p.m. London time. You can watch it live below. Be sure to set your alarm for at least 3:30 p.m. Eastern time so you can be there during the Seven Minutes of Terror. Watch at the site below:


Other places you can watch are these: NASA’s public TV channelwebsiteappYouTubeTwitterFacebookLinkedInTwitchDaily Motion or THETA.TV. There’s also a Spanish-language broadcast here.

Remember, if the landing is successful, we won’t see the live video until at least eleven minutes after touchdown, for that’s how long the signal takes to get from Mars to Earth.

Fingers crossed! If all goes well, we can puff out our chests and share a bit of pride in humanity—and science. (And don’t forget that science also gave us the Covid vaccines.)


22 thoughts on “Mars Perseverance Rover lands today!

    1. I didn’t know about it. Thank you for the information .

      (I must admit that I am justified, because now I am surrounded by a certain form of mental concrete, impenetrable to facts and by its nature not interested in the outside world)

  1. NASA TV is channel 352 on DirecTV and coverage there starts at 1:00 PM Central (Milwaukee/Chicago) Time and runs to 4:00 PM. Mars-related programming (the only “pregame” shows I would watch) runs from 10:00 AM on.

  2. I sincerely hope that this mission will give a definitive answer to whether there ever had been life on Mars. And if so, an looking forward to asking the first passing minister why the Holy Babble failed to mention such an astounding occurrence.

    1. Perhaps close to definitively ‘yes’!

      I cannot see how it could be even close to definitively ‘no’???

    2. I wouldn’t be *too* hopeful. Paleontologists have to search for fossil beds far and wide, at least on Earth. And microfossils – even stromatolite macro sized – has abiotic confounds [except possibly microorganism acid tunneling in volcanic glass] that needs to be checked if possible – and hence sample return.

      The sample return will be in 2031 earliest plan date – NASA, ESA and possibly others just started on that planning – so it will most likely be a while as well.

      1. Looking for signs of life, any life, is not really like looking for fossils. After all, signs of life on Earth can be seen from orbit.

        I wonder what will happen first, return of Martian samples to Earth or a robotic lander on Mars powerful enough to do all the tests we would otherwise perform on Earth.

  3. At a time like this I wish I did believe in prayer. 😊 Anyway, will be looking for a way to watch and hoping for this outstanding scientific venture to begin successfully. Many steps to go.

  4. Congratulations to – in order of Mars arrival – Emirates, China and now US! “Percy” is alive and well!

  5. I hadn’t realised where the rover’s name came from until just recently:

    Associate Administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Thomas Zurbuchen selected the name Perseverance following a nationwide K-12 student “name the rover” contest that attracted more than 28,000 proposals. A seventh-grade student, Alexander Mather from Lake Braddock Secondary School in Burke, Virginia, submitted the winning entry at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. […]

    Mather wrote in his winning essay:

    Curiosity. InSight. Spirit. Opportunity. If you think about it, all of these names of past Mars rovers are qualities we possess as humans. We are always curious, and seek opportunity. We have the spirit and insight to explore the Moon, Mars, and beyond. But, if rovers are to be the qualities of us as a race, we missed the most important thing. Perseverance. We as humans evolved as creatures who could learn to adapt to any situation, no matter how harsh. We are a species of explorers, and we will meet many setbacks on the way to Mars. However, we can persevere. We, not as a nation but as humans, will not give up. The human race will always persevere into the future.

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