Ducks eat snails in the vineyard, save pesticides

August 23, 2020 • 2:30 pm

Don’t anybody say that ducks are of no value except for eating or providing eggs. Here we have a group of Indian Runner Ducks—a breed of domestic mallard that walks (or rather runs) upright, and can barely get off the ground—being most useful in controlling pests. In this case, they eat snails infesting a South African vineyard. The Youtube notes say this:

They’re short, they waddle, and they’re coming to eat the snails. Meet the quack squad, nature’s very own pest control. Every morning, duck farmer Denzel Metthys releases over 1,000 Indian Runner ducks on the Vergenoegd Winery in South Africa. Trained to march in a long line en route to the vineyard, these ducks mean business.

Denzel is a man after my own heart. He clearly loves his animals, cuddles and raises the ducklings, and describes himself as a “duck farmer”. That’s what I am!

Thanks to reader Jon for sending me the video.

16 thoughts on “Ducks eat snails in the vineyard, save pesticides

  1. I’m a big fan of biological pest control. I use mosquito donuts, grasshopper spore, petromalid wasps, ladybugs, and praying mantises.

    I applaud rotational grazing systems that employ chickens released three days behind cattle to eat the newly hatched fly larvae in the manure.

    There is so much creativity and effectiveness out there!! Bravo to all who contribute to a healthier world.


  2. Considering the yearly growth in numbers, how soon until PCC(E) is marching 1000 ducks around Botany pond?

    As for duck eggs, I’ve never eaten one. Don’t think I’ve ever even seen them for sale. Is that a more European thing, or regional?

  3. Don’t anybody say that ducks are of no value except for eating or providing eggs.

    I suppose it would be in bad taste (even though it tastes great) to mention foie gras here?

    As a general matter, I abjure gavage — except perhaps as regards the condemned’s last meal (in which case the duck or goose can take one for the team) — but did I mention how great it tastes? 🙂

  4. Love it. Such a heart lifting story.
    Curious I searched for ‘Do Ducks Eat Grapes?’ Apparently they do.

  5. Years ago we bought my Father a muscovy duck to help him eradicate the snails in the garden. Very effective but it would hound him impatiently every time he was out there … expected him to find the snails! This duck had an aggressive nature so had to be put in a moveable pen as it would not leave the bull terrier alone; it simply was not very bright as it never learned! It had a penchant for messing on the back steps too so a bit of a slip hazard.

  6. A co-worker would take delight in describing how his parents’ ducks would hunt down the slugs and eat them, causing long strands of slug slime to be left dangling from their bills. When we were eating our lunch together.

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