Photos of readers

July 24, 2020 • 2:30 pm

After this I have only one contribution left, so now’s your chance.

Today’s reader is Scott Moody, animal lover. Here’s his intro and a few photos:

Emeritus Professor, 40 years at Ohio University, teaching human anatomy at the medical school, and herpetology, mammalogy, forensic biology, intro bio (ecology, behavior and evolution), and history of biology.  Working on my 20 acre farm and woodlands, restoring native vegetation, improving the soil, removing invasive species, and working with my Belgian Draft Horses (photo with Mollie).  During the May-October season I am a wildlife zoologist monitoring for the endangered species Timber Rattlesnake along construction of highways, natural gas lines and electric transmission lines in southern Ohio.   I rescue other wildlife as well: photos are of me with a 7 foot long Midland Black Ratsnake and the first Sandhill Crane documented for Athens County;   She was missing a foot (all healed) but apparently ran out of gas flying from Florida to Michigan.

23 thoughts on “Photos of readers

  1. I’d have to guess we’re looking at the result of an encounter between a sandhill crane and an alligator in a Florida swamp. Maybe near Tara Tanaka.

  2. Impressive. What a wonderful academic/educational career and honorable yet depressing seasonal activity. Were I in possession of a hat such as yours I would doff it in your general direction.

      1. I’ve held a large boa before–they’re actually very soft and if you stroke them the proper direction, they feel rather nice. 🙂

  3. Sweet – looking constrictor, Dr Moody.

    And a very interesting sentence ( of which
    I have already shared to my Georgian son
    who mountain bikes and camps out there
    a lotta.lotta. ) within your wikipedia link
    of ” In the state of Georgia, all indigenous,
    nonvenomous snakes are illegal to kill or
    capture, and are considered to be in the
    custody of the Georgia Department of
    Natural Resources.[9] ”

    Its page there was last edited just this
    month. So it makes me wonder and perhaps
    you may know thus: surely.surely.
    almost all other of the United States also,
    do they not, have in place such legal
    conservation statues ? And if they do not
    by now, t h e n why th”ell not ? !


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