Tuesday: Hili dialogue

February 25, 2020 • 1:16 am

by Matthew Cobb

It’s a wet morning in Manchester, and I have to be off to London shortly, so no time for anything but Hili, who is doing what cats do:

Hili: Caring for physical fitness and sharp claws is time consuming.
A: Your claws do not need to be so sharp.
Hili: That’s your opinion.
Hili: Troska o fizyczną sprawność i ostre pazurki jest czasochłonna.
Ja: Twoje pazurki nie muszą być takie ostre.
Hili: To jest twoja opinia.

23 thoughts on “Tuesday: Hili dialogue

    1. The book will be out 21april. Looking forward to it. Meanwhile, Hopefully a video of the march ri talk will be available on the web soon after his talk. I love ri for making so many general lectures widely available.

      1. The above cover is splendid. It’s a kind of dynamic illustration that captures the sort of brainwork that went into writing a book about the brain. Though I’m in the US, if the cover’s redesigned for the US, I must get the UK edition for its cover.

        And the recommendation on the cover can’t be beat.

    1. That you tube was delightful. When I was young, mid 20’s, i had an experience with Mrs. Wolf spider. First I was was at that time terrified of spiders. Fortunately over that. I was living in a very old cabin. Sawdust for insulation old. Anyway there was a doorway between the two rooms. It seemed every morning as I was getting ready for work she would park herself in the doorway. I was afraid if tried to step over her she’d jump on my leg and if I stepped on her all the babies she was carrying would climb up my legs. After about an eternity she would move on and I’d get to go to work. Never late but more than once harried.

  1. Thanks for the reminder about Dr. Cobb’s book!

    The video you posted is actually showing a fox raiding the nest. The correct video is farther down in the comment section – look for the sheep.

    1. Doyle is a very astute observer. I was hoping they’d get into some other issues to see where he and Rubin part company. I couldn’t find the full episode on the web page. Probably, for the best. Rubin depresses me.

          1. Rubin mentions a 1-second female-female kiss in thebackground in a fleeting scene in the latest Star Wars. I read that this one second piece was removed in certain countries.

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