Egyptian atheist gets kicked out of television studio

May 3, 2018 • 11:45 am

Reader Barry called my attention to this tweet by Richard Dawkins, and, unusually, MEMRI has put the 3-minute video (with English subtitles) on YouTube. I’ve embedded it below:

The background given by MEMRI:

Mohammad Hashem, an atheist, was invited to the Alhadath Alyoum TV studio to participate in a debate with former Deputy Sheikh of Al-Azhar Mahmoud Ashour. However, his statement that there is no scientific evidence for the existence of God and his attempt to talk about the Big Bang theory met with a barrage of insults from Sheikh Ashour and from TV host Mahmoud Abd Al-Halim, with Sheikh Ashour recommending psychiatric treatment and Abd Al-Halim refusing to allow him to remain on the show. The TV host, apologizing to his viewers for subjecting them to “inappropriate” and “destructive ideas,” advised Hashem “to leave the studio and go straight to a psychiatric hospital.” The show aired on February 11.

It’s amazing how violently the presenters react to Hashem’s claim that there is no scientific evidence for God.  They fulminate, tell him he is “mentally ill” and then, in a pot/kettle/black moment, say that he “has nothing to offer”. But of course it is the hosts who are deluded; yet their delusion is so common in Egypt that it’s taken as the norm.

Now I’m not sure how much of the posturing of the loud host in the royal-blue blazer is merely for the benefit of the camera and the government, but surely both hosts knew that Hashem was an atheist when they invited him on. What did they expect?

And, of course Hashem is persona non grata in Egypt now, perhaps even in danger of his life.  This is a brave man.

38 thoughts on “Egyptian atheist gets kicked out of television studio

    1. A brave man indeed in a region full of God-fellators, conformity-fetishists and cowards. I’d like to email him with moral support, but that might do more harm than good.

  1. I saw this clip earlier. One wants to give up on these people who not so much don’t think as won’t think. Where are we, medieval Europe? I hope our non-believer is safe.

    1. I tweeted it and posted this on my site a couple of months ago. I’m glad Richard Dawkins has posted it because it will get a lot more views.

      MEMRI has a YouTube channel and a Twitter feed. Its own website doesn’t link to them so they can be hard to find.

  2. I’m sure they had him on just to throw him out. The host was interviewed about the incident, and felt everything was justified.

    1. Wow, that TV host Mahmoud Abd Al-Halim sure has a low appraisal of his fellow Egyptians, and Arabs!

      He reminds me of the cosmological equivalent of a “White Hole.” A hell of a lot spews out, but nothing seems to be able to get in.

    2. It’s amazing. According to the presenter, they invited him on because the segment was about atheism. What were they expecting him to say?

      I think the atheist was set up.

      1. Reminds me of how police departments run stings where they notify people they want to arrest that they’ve won a prize in a contest and all they have to do is show up somewhere to collect it.

  3. The scary thing is this is mainstream thinking in many countries, right? It makes me think about the refugee situation here in the US. Should we allow a kid like this to seek refuge here? I would certainly support it. I have no idea whether he wants it but if this was watched throughout Egypt, the poor kid is going to need it. On the other hand, we’re going to need more guys like this if things are going to improve. So what do most Egyptians say about this interview? Which side are they on?

    1. Canada has non-believers from Bangladesh to be sponsored as refugees, so there is at least some precedent. Mind you with Trumpism (or rather, Pence-ism) in the US …

  4. Is there some way for us to express support for him? If they haven’t killed him as a blasphemer. Religion, irrationality is getting more and more scary. As times worsen, society breaks down, religion swoops in with even more power to seduce. It is hard not to believe that there are 2species of humans – the faithists appear so very mind disabled as to have different DNA.
    JC: there is a cats -pro- environment cartoon in the 5/7 New Yorker, I could not pull it out to send to you.

    1. Framed screen shot. Command-Shift-4 for a Mac. Don’t know what is the command for a PC.

  5. “But of course it is the hosts who are deluded; yet their delusion is so common in Egypt that it’s taken as the norm.’

    Have you looked at American tv lately?

  6. This morning I just primed our new and returning summer staff here at the Royal Tyrrell Museum (Alberta, Canada) on how to assess and address creationist challenges that occur during their public presentations and interactions. Fortunately, here in Canada, even our fundamentalist creationists tend to be somewhat more polite than in the USA (and certainly Egypt). However, this timely video serves perfectly to reinforce for our staff that arguments based in religious authority are often driven by emotion and fear, not evidence. Thanks for re-posting the video.

    1. I love the Royal Tyrell! Went on a DinoTour with Phil Currie back in the early 90s. We started and finished the tour at the museum. Such a good time.

    2. The Royal Tyrrell Museum was one of my, and my husband’s, favorite places to go. His last visit was taken a month or so before he died. He had a blast talking with the staff and taking a jillion photos of dinosaurs (including one for me of a dinosaur, that taken from the right perspective, looks as though it’s holding the planet Earth in it’s front feet.) And, he scooted around all over using his new, deluxe walker (with wheels). Fortunately, I heard no screams from injured patrons. Thank you for all the pleasure you’ve given me, my husband and so many others. World class museum.

  7. It’s really sad, but not really surprising to see how non believers are treated in Islamic countries. I have been to Egypt 6 times and really love the country. The people are really nice and friendly (most arabs are really) but when they ask about my religion I used to lie and said I am a Christian (which is OK, even Jewish is acceptable, but an atheist…… way)

    A few years ago I was in Yemen, studying Arabic for two months and once my teacher asked me about my religion. I hesitated and said……..well, I am not very religious…..He pressed on and at last I said, I do not believe in God, I am an atheist. The teacher, a very nice guy, was really chocked, but he didn’t change his behavior towards me, he still was very nice to me. Maybe I lighted a spark in him and perhaps he had doubts about religion himself.

    I am going to Egypt again this summer and I am really looking forward to this. I do know, however, that when in Muslim countries, you should be really careful to openly declare your atheism. I do when asked directly, but would rather avoid a direct question about my (non)-belief, not because I am afraid, but because so many Muslims find it really offending. I am highly critical of any religion, and especially Islam, but I see no point in offending nice people. As I said, the vast majority of Muslims are nice and welcoming people

  8. I am somewhat optimistic about the prospect of non-belief spreading in religious countries and the reason is internet. This rather old youtube video is giving me hope

  9. Poor kid. His manner reminds me of James D’amore. Very smart and thoughtful and totally naive and unpracticed in dealing with bullies. The announcer in turn reminds me of Sean Hannity. Seems like they asked him on in order to make a show of him.

  10. “You have not uttered one convincing word!”
    Because the loud-mouth won’t let him talk.

    “And don’t use big words.” (We are simple cave men.)

  11. The host was saving his own butt and hard at it he was too… that i found amusing.

    Ashour needs to take his own advice.
    Tragicomedy is alive and well.

    As for the young man, i hope he is safe. If not, that is the only true tragedy here.

  12. “Destructive and bad for Egyptian youth.” How many more Socrates’ is this world going to keep driving to the hemlock?

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