Trump has a bad dream

April 2, 2018 • 11:00 am

Grania called this bit to my attention, since I never watch the Simpsons except online. This bit, a dream sequence from the show, was apparently aired recently (you can also tell that from its content). When you realize that this stuff is aired on FOX, it’s really quite amazing.

I love the hairpiece, and note the pictures on the wall at the end.

16 thoughts on “Trump has a bad dream

  1. As soon as he admits making any mistakes, you know it’s a dream. The cartoon version seems much smarter.

  2. I like the newspaper headlines in the beginning! I especially enjoyed, “Jared Loses Access to Ivanka” and “Putin Names Self US Secretary of State”.

    1. A standard reply from Putin to trump might be, “Better to be a tiny, hald fascist than a high-speed fascist!”

  3. I particularly liked the bits about Melania. I think that the main motive that will restrain Trump from resigning is that as soon he does, Melania will sue for divorce. Trump knows that, and his pride could never take it.

  4. The Fox Network is not the same as Fox News and, even within the latter, Fox News is not the same as Fox News opinion shows.

    I don’t see Fox Network as particularly political. Fox News (not opinion) is center to center-right and Fox opinion is conservative right.

    1. You’re correct that Fox Network entertainment shows have no particular political bent.

      As to Fox News, it’s not a news network at all; it’s a long-form “inspired by actual events!” fictional narrative, replete with recurrent themes and continuing, episodic storylines, in which righteous old white folk are beset upon on all sides by bumptious minorities and the iniquities of Evil Leftists (with an occasional side dish of lone, courageous minority members willing to risk the wrath of their own kind to speak out on behalf of righteous old, white folk). Fox has become so obsessed lately with ignoring the myriad misdeeds of the Trump administration that it’s become Lost in the Fog of Culture War, harping on the transgressions of the regressive left, and promoting paranoid Deep-State conspiracy theories in which The Clintons and Obama holdovers are inevitably the ultimate malefactors.

    2. Conservative right – you bet. It is the Trump news. Trump for breakfast and Trump all night. Watch it for a week and you can walk around without a brain. Just ask Hannity. They make up more news over there than was ever reported. Capital of FAKE NEWS

  5. It seems the most “honest” phrase tRUMP has uttered is, ” Who knew healthcare could be so complicated? “

  6. The biggest joke of all is that 45 never changes. While we would like to see there is some struggle behind the scenes, he does not suffer any inner turmoil (or even brush it off as a dream while making an incorrect interpretation of it). He does not have any inner dialogue; that’s a symptom of the very phrase invoked here: ‘Narcissistic Sociopath’. Indeed, there will never be a day where he wakes up and like Scrooge, sees the error of his ways and vows to create a new beginning. To 45, he is already perfect and needs no conversion. I yearn for the day when the US will be rid of him and his co-conspirators.

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