8 thoughts on “Baby raccoons play on a bicycle wheel

  1. Together with Honey and Daisy a nice respite form reading how some people would be happy to chip away at my rights.

  2. They really seem to enjoy hanging and swinging. I wonder if they like getting into a large hamster wheel?

  3. Cute, but the description says “Jukin Media Verified (Original) * For licensing / permission to use: Contact – licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom”, suggesting that the person who posted it might be looking to make a little profit. I can’t help suspecting that food of some sort was placed above the bicycle and out of the picture so that the raccoons would try to reach it.

  4. They look suspiciously like the same babies that regularly swing on and break our bird feeders. However this a small price to pay for their delightful company and we look forward to seeing them every year.

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