Friday: Hili Dialogue

July 29, 2016 • 6:00 am

By Grania

Morning all, I’m filling in for Jerry while he is on the last leg of his journey to Dobrzyń this morning.

Today is the end of the world if you are an Armageddon Conspiracy Theorist (a polar flip will destroy the world*); otherwise it is just another Friday (thank goodness) and also International Tiger Day, a day to raise awareness of the plight of this endangered species. The situation is now pretty dire, with estimates as bad as complete extinction of tigers in the wild within 5 years.

You can join the group raising awareness and funds on Facebook here.


In Hili-World today, the feline princess encourages us to tackle difficult challenges speedily so that we can pursue our higher goals.

A: Hili, face the truth.
Hili: Done. Now I’m going back to sleep.


In Polish

Ja: Hili, spójrz prawdzie w oczy.
Hili: Już spojrzałam, a teraz wracam do przerwanego snu.

Happy weekend to you all!


*It won’t, that’s ridiculous. Here’s NASA on the subject.

10 thoughts on “Friday: Hili Dialogue

  1. An electrical engineer friend of mine is working on a project to protect tigers (and other endangered animals). He works for a non-profit which is developing a camera to catch poachers in the jungles of Nepal, India, and other places. The camera system detects motion and transmits images via cell towers to the rangers station. It is currently being tested and used in Nepal. A version of the camera is being used at thousands of locations already.
    I recently read an article which quite optimistically reported that anti-poaching efforts were being quite successful throughout the world. Extinction is not inevitable. Contributions to saving the tiger is money well spent.

      1. It’s a violation of time travel etiquette to profit from it. The Doctor would never have me back if I tried that, and I might end up with a data port in my forehead … 🙂

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