Spot the goats!

July 24, 2016 • 11:30 am

Reader Andrew Harker sent a “spot the ___” photo, in this case goats. It’s not that hard, but does show some striking camouflage. His note:

These two goats were part of a group of six which were roaming through the tumbled down rocks along the northern coast of Menorca (one of the Balearic islands in the Mediterranean) one evening as the day cooled and the shadows lengthened. Their black colouring contrasts with the rocks, but in the same way as the rocks’ own shadows do.


I don’t think I need to give a reveal.

9 thoughts on “Spot the goats!

    1. Didn’t want to be the goat and butt of our humor, if you couldn’t find them, huh?

      I cheated by enlarging the photo. They’re not hiding behind books!

  1. I spotted the left one, but then it took me half a minute to find the other one…
    So the camouflage is working pretty fine or I am a lousy predator.

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