71 thoughts on “G*d help me, I want these!

  1. I attacked food snobbery in a previous topic, but this is just too much. This abomination should be illegal. Even as d*g food.

    1. Agree – this packaging could scar an entire generation – PCC(E) better eat them all before the thought police catch up and arrest him for his insensitivity

  2. Its not just a product advertisement, but also a picture of what your arteries will look like after you eat it!

    But to each his own and good luck with your quest. I haven’t seen any around here but if I notice them in a store, I’ll buy a box and send you a short email requesting your shipping address. 🙂

    1. There is probably a mail room at UofC that you can get the address for easily.
      One holes that their bomb squad and HazMat teams have the correct equipment to handle these. How did the Sand-wont-save-you Man put it? Leather masks and steel-plate shields.

  3. Oreos are addictive because of the contrasts between the cream and cookie. The cookie is bitter, hard and dark. The cream is sweet, soft and light. I’m sure this is no different.

    1. You eat the picture on the box.
      Not quite calorie-free. But certainly high in fibre, and probably relatively nutritious.

  4. The really scrumptious ones are being distributed through only the food channel service such as restaurants, etc. The other, which is a cutie, are the bites, which can be found in the frozen case of retail grocery shops.

  5. the only way cultures are going to survive is to commercialize, it’s the new awareness

    ghettoizing “minorities” with Purist Rhetoric is to deny progress and entry into the Glorious Mass Monoculture.

  6. This is be the most egregious privileged white Anglo appropriation of traditional Hispanic food culture I’ve ever seen.

        1. I wish WordPress would get their act together. Would it be so hard to enable editing of posts? Facebook does it. (Letting myself off the hook.)

          1. Not my fault! There’s simply no way to edit comments after you put them up. But, as I’ve always told readers, if you want a change made in a comment, just email me and ask me to do it. Just don’t do that too often!

          2. As the barber used to solicitously enquire, “Something for the weekend, Sir?”

          3. Sorry, but that is for WordPress.org sites. Mine is a WordPress.com site, and there’s no provision for content editing. Look, I inquired and tried, but it’s not possible, so everyone can stop kvetching!

        1. You may be thinking of Klondike bars. For 200 bonus points, what are the nubby things in the chocolate coating composed of?

          1. Sorry, wrong. You can go look it up…just google Eskimo pie.

            The beginning go back to 1920, Onawa, Iowa, and a Christian Kent Nelson. The pictures of several are shown but the ones I first remember did not have a stick in them. Just a bar wrapped in foil. A thin coating of chocolate around ice cream. When I say I was just a little kid at the time I’m talking 1956/7.

            I suspect that was long before any Klondike bars.

          2. I think Klondike bars are about equally old. They have always also been made without a stick, just a square slab of vanilla ice cream with a thin layer of chocolate, all wrapped in a piece of silver foil. I remember them as a kid in the 1960’s in Youngstown, Ohio at an Isaly’s ice cream store with my grandfather.

            Wikipedia says they date back to the 1920’s and originally made by the Isaly Dairy Company headquartered in Mansfield, Ohio.

  7. Jerry, do what I do. When I see something I want to eat, I eat it, damn the consequences. It’s one of the things that makes life worth living. I mean, what’s the sense of living a long , but boring, safe life?

  8. I have to say, these look disgusting, but then I’ve never liked Oreos. Even as a kid I scraped off the sugary filling and just ate the chocolate cookies. Now it seems there’s no escaping it! Plus they’re covered in sugar.

    They remind me of the chocolate graham crackers I bought a few months ago. Unlike the ones I had in my childhood, these were absolutely covered with sugar, and in the dimples in the crackers sugar and the adhesive had pooled to form rock-hard pieces of sugary stuff. Gross! (It was the same brand.)

    If it was just a plain chocolate cookie shaped like a churro and filled with light, slightly sweet cream, that would be good.

  9. Go for it Jerry!! I’ll do the same. If us old retired guys can’t eat something outrageous like this every once in a while how could life be worth living?

  10. Astounding.

    The USA has the greatest, most diabolically inventive snack food industry in all the world. Whenever I go to the states the miles of isles devoted to the most delicious, insane snacks blows my mind.

    I’m jealous. I want one.

  11. I’m not particularly tempted by these (although I do enjoy doublestuff Oreos now and then), but you’ve certainly got me thinking about all the naught things I want to eat this Thursday.

  12. I would definitely try them. In fact, today I had a couple of gingerbread filling Oreo and last month the pumpkin spice filled Oreo. Like Vaal, above, my mind is blown every time I go into my local store and see the way American manufacturers are trying every kind of flavor to lure us to the Snack Side. I think Starbucks started the pumpkin spice craze (or maybe it was the holiday candle-makers), then there was chipotle, then sriracha (sp?). Enjoy it while you can. If certain people get their way, we will lose all enjoyment of life (and life itself). (now that I’ve thoroughly depressed myself, I will go and get an Oreo, any flavor).

  13. Not a chocolate craver, but cream, yes.

    Left to my own decision-making, I’d likely have a binary response to these morsels. They could addict me if the cream were as tasty as what I can get at French bakeries. But I usually monastically refrain from commercial sugary goods in favor of holding out for something special.

    I know I will try these now that Jerry has started this discussion. Headed to the grocery store now, in fact. I will hunt for them out of the amusement I feel.

  14. I’m going to see if they have these at a local grocery store when I visit the States next month. I’m not ashamed to admit I miss the aisles and miles of sugary snacks found in US supermarkets.

  15. There was a booth selling churros at a fair in Ueno Park here in Japan on Monday (national holiday). No one was buying them apparently, perhaps because they’re unfamiliar. I suspect the churros would have been better than the chocolate-coated waffle on a stick thing we bought (one of the very few things I’ve tried here that wasn’t delicious).

  16. Since I’ve never had a churro, I’m having a hard time imagining what this product would be like. Though it doesn’t look like something I’d eat except to stick it to anyone who gets moralistic about “health” food. I’m still unsure why it is that the pleasure of eating has become a taboo in certain circles – it makes as much sense as those who think of sex purely in terms of procreation.

    1. Real churros, freshly made, are AWESOME. In Spain they often serve them with hot chocolate as breakfast or a snack. The combination of churros dipped into thick Spanish or Mexican hot chocolate is to die for.

      1. The best churros I’ve ever had were easily the ones I had in Chicago a couple years ago. I think it was Xoco (which may actually have been a Prof. CC recommendation). Dipped in their hot chocolate of course.

        All others have fallen short….

  17. I hadn’t eaten an oreo in decades and then one of Jerry’s posts a few months ago inspired me to get some. I bought a package after sorting through the now 50 or so varieties and I have to say I was disappointed. They weren’t what I remember. I have a feeling the old ones were made with trans-fats or some other ingredients that are now frowned upon

    1. I had the same experience with Twinkies. I loved them as a kid, but as an adult, found them lacking. Not sure if was simply a matter of tastes changing as I grew older, or if there’s been some fundamental change in the recipe. Either way, I was indifferent when they were off the shelves for awhile after Hostess declared bankruptcy.

  18. I agree with Jerry that these look good (I bet I’d eat a lot of them then feel sick because of the chemicals in them – this happens to me a lot) but I don’t think I can try them because wouldn’t that be cultural appropriation?

    1. When I eat lots, it’s called fat appropriation.
      Cultural appropriation (twice over): eating a churros snack so you can become a Sumo wrestler.

  19. Go for it ,Jerry– ignore the food police.In the end we all end up dead so we might as well have a good time on the way out. I’m the same age as you (65)and am committed to enjoying more and worrying less and I am convinced that being an adult is vastly overrated

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