Caturday felid trifecta: Cat idioms, the non-distractable cat, bafftime freakout

September 19, 2015 • 8:00 am

Three cute videos for today. The first gives cat-related phrases from around the world. Being an India-phile, I especially like the phrase at 1:51: “After eating 900 rats, the cat goes on a pilgrimage.”

I believe this next clip is from Russia, one of the great sources of cat videos.  What we have is the world’s most focused cat, but what does it see?

Finally, here is a cat who doesn’t like his bath AT ALL. Not only that, but he appears to be Jewish, for it’s meowing “OY!” over and over again.  Poor thing. His name is Tigger, and he has his own Facebook page, “Tigger–The NO Bath Cat.

Poor Tigger!

h/t: Steve U., John S

49 thoughts on “Caturday felid trifecta: Cat idioms, the non-distractable cat, bafftime freakout

  1. Oh poor Tigger. I saw this video before & to me he sounds like he’s yelling “NO!” I showed it to my dad & he thought the poor cat was being abused but kitty just doesn’t like the bath. The humans aren’t hurting him. I feel so bad hearing him cry though, that if he were my kitty, he’d be dirty all the time!

    1. Strange, but there are some cats that like the water. A couple of Youtube videos under the one above show a cat that won’t leave a warm tub, and another that likes paddling around. It must have to do with early training, don’t you think?

    2. Diana, I agree with your Dad. The cat did not look dirty. There was no obvious reason for bathing the animal. It seems the only excuse for the video was to abuse the cat for the pleasure of the stupid fellow who was laughing. I don’t find animal abuse the least bit funny. Maybe cat shelters can use this video to screen people. Anyone who laughs at the video doesn’t get to adopt.

  2. Tigger reminds me of a previous cat of mine, Jessie, who had what we called “the cat carrier meow”. I think we eventually settled on a vet whose office was very nearby, though more expensive, because we couldn’t stand listening to the cat carrier meow.

    1. I’d trade that for either of the two cats we used to have who got carsick after a couple of blocks. Never could find a vet close enough!

  3. I really don’t understand bathing cats. OK my niece had a white long-haired cat that went outside and needed weekly grooming. But my short-haired cats are never bathed. Cats don’t get bathed in the wild and they cope just fine. When Smaug got old and sick and incontinent he got wiped down with a wet cloth, but dunking a cat in water when it’s so obviously distressed seems cruel to me.

    1. I also wonder about the necessity and ethics of cat-dunking. If it is necessary or desirable, surely there must be a way of helping ones cat overcome its Angst. Catnative Behavioral Therapy or something?

    2. When I got my last cat, Teddy, he was a stray that wandered through the cat door, and was covered with motor oil from hiding under cars. I didn’t want him to lick it off, and so had to bathe him to get the stuff off (it took several baths over several months). Sometimes cats get covered with nasty stuff that you don’t want them to lick off. Agreed, cats shouldn’t be bathed unless absolutely necessary.

      1. My cat devotes a significant portion of her day dedicated to bathing via the normal methods cats have been employing for lo these millions of years. As does every cat I’ve ever known. Except for cases like the motor oil mentioned above, what’s the point?

        1. The cynic in me says the point is to have a bit of fun at the expense of the cat and to post a video that might go viral.

        2. I agree. I’ve only ever bathed a cat once in my life. Poor thing hated it, but it had to be done in the circumstances. My cats have always been outside cats too. They are good at keeping themselves clean without human intervention on the whole, although if they enjoy brushing or something, I indulge them of course.

          1. Actually, it’s a big problem here. Not so much with Kiwis as they’re big birds and not close to where cats live, but with smaller native birds. Kiwis are at risk from introduced stoats/weasels/rats etc who get their eggs and chicks.

          2. Depends where you live, but yes. However, the Kiwi lifestyle makes that all but impossible. Many of us, especially in the summer, leave our doors and windows wide open whenever we’re home.

          3. Yes, but they mostly stay outside. The garden is more attractive to them, and I have an auto insect sprayer, so they die if they come inside anyway. There are no snakes in NZ and only one dangerous spider, the katipo (a red back relation) that is confined to a very small area a long way from me. Neighbourhood cats visit, and that’s about it

  4. Let my apologize in advance;

    From the second video, I guess you could say that the subject is truly “catatonic.”

    Again, I apologize. But I couldn’t help myself.

  5. The only time my cat permitted me to bath him, and happily, was when he walked full frontal into a skunk. He even permitted me to rub him all over with tomato paste(rumoured to remove skunk juice)and rinse it off in the shower. Ps it did not work very well

    1. Our former d*g got into a skunk, and I got sprayed pretty good as well trying to pull her off of it. So we both went into the bath, along with several jars of spaghetti sauce + soap. I must say it did work surprisingly well. It was not a cure, but it definitely helped.

  6. I personally think giving a cat a bath is unnecessary and rather cruel, unless they fell in a mud puddle or something.

  7. Despite the caterwauling–ahem–Tigger is being a very good boy, not at all going postal. I think he obviously has a bond of trust with his owner who in turn obviously loves him very much.

    I’m all for the never-wash-a-cat creed, but I’m also aware of some cats that are regularly washed by their loving humans. All in all, Tigger doesn’t look any less happy than my dogs do when they need baths, and he struggles considerably less.

    1. Our little dog had to come see what was making the noise. She only just gave up now on hearing more. She’s quite the little policeman. When we’re getting after the two cats because they are being disagreeable, she takes the opportunity to lecture them herself.

  8. I had to bathe my cat Julie, an orange tabby I adopted while living in Greece in 1995, a few times after she got infested with fleas and nothing else seemed to work. She did not take well to water at all, screaming like a banshee and writhing and scratching to try to get away. Another cat I had at the same time, Puff, an orange longhair, mewed pitifully when I bathed him but otherwise didn’t put up much of a fuss. Alas, he died in November 2013 and Julie died a few months ago, a bit shy of reaching age 20.

  9. I never bathed a cat unless it was covered in something they should not get in their mouths. A healthy can will be clean, and giving you hairballs because of it.

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