Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ Othering

September 16, 2015 • 8:40 am

Today’s Jesus and Mo strip, called “Gulf,” includes the subtitle “Because that’s problematic.”

2015-09-16If you want to see the Qur’an with its for various bits labeled as good and bad (but mostly the latter) head over to the “Skeptic’s Annotated Quran” page, which has verses labeled for content with these symbols:

Screen Shot 2015-09-16 at 6.46.45 AM

13 thoughts on “Jesus ‘n’ Mo ‘n’ Othering

  1. Not that surprising I suppose, given that islam was invented later and so had other monotheisms to kick against.

    Are mormonism and scientology similar?

  2. Special revelations by their very nature create an “us” and “them.” So does any bit of knowledge that some people have and some people don’t. But religion is different. The division can’t be superficial; it must run deep.

    The problem — the modern day problem — is that first, knowledge of God is supposed to be very, very important and second, religious faith frames it as available to all, but accepted by only a few. Why?

    Moral reasons. A matter of character or choice. Because those who recognize/embrace/seek/find God do so out of love and humility, the other side must be the other side because they lack love and humility. We believers are the “us” who have hope — as opposed to the “them” who don’t because of the way they have chosen to be. The judgement is inherent in the hierarchical structure.

    It seems to me that Islam may be particularly divisive on this point because the modern day problem wasn’t much of a problem back in the days when tribalism and honor culture mentality were the default. Islam formed in an era which not only accepted these things as a matter of course, but which was particularly conducive to the adherents being both militant and successful.

    1. But religion is different. The division can’t be superficial; it must run deep.

      Right. Like the correct way to make the sign of the cross.

  3. Perhaps, if we had a 1000 year old atheist book that mostly called for the death of all believers but which here and there said “be nice”, people would stop calling us “strident” and instead go to bat for us against the atheistophobic.

    1. Yes. One of the greatest PR accomplishments in all of history has been convincing everybody that Jesus is a love god, as opposed to the death god with a war god for a father that he so unabashedly is.


    1. It’s a tradition, so to speak. The ‘Author’ has limited drawing skills, as you can see. In this he is more than adequately compensated by his insight and his logical skills, not to mention a better than average sense of humour.

      Why yes, I am a fan of his.

    2. Being attuned to the supernatural (magic) releases one from the necessity of following reality. How many elbows and knees of angels can fit on the head of a pin?

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