21 thoughts on “Stingray says “Oh, hai!”

  1. I know nothing about the species and especially the individual…but, if the request really is, as it appears, for a treat and skritches, who would I be to refuse?


  2. Not just to say hello. You’ll notice that the guy fed him something. Wow: It came out of the water to get fed! What did it eat?

  3. At the aquarium in Norwalk, CT, there is an exhibit where you can pet rays–they swim around in this big shallow pool and they come up to you for scritches. Quite adorable.

    1. Yeah. They had one of those as well at Sea World in San Diego. I do not recall the species. They also had a shallow pool where you could touch horseshoe crabs. I unthinkingly picked one up to give my son a quick zoology lesson, and a guide was on me in a second and he was kinda ticked.

  4. “Would you pet this guy?”

    Of course…did that in the Caymans, I think. The dive guides give you food that you can use to feed them. They’ll accept food right out of your hand.

    1. I did the same thing in Bora Bora. Those ones at least (with all of their conditioning) were quite friendly. Reminded my wife and me of cats, actually.

  5. Stingrays aren’t scary. The barb is at the base of the tail, and you’re safe if you don’t abuse them.

    Many times when diving I’ve seen stingrays, some huge, often very close to shore – it’s always a thrill. Because of the way they bury themselves in the sand, you often don’t see them until you’re quite close.

    I’ve also been net and hinaki fishing with people who’ve stood on them accidentally. Usually the stingray just swims away. It’s only if you’re unlucky enough to stand near the barb you’re in trouble.

    1. Once I was snorkeling in very shallow water off Costa Rica, when a section of sea floor about the size of a card table rose up and casually flapped off…

  6. I had one rub up against my leg once. Scared the living shit out of me and I ran from the beach back to the camp site. :/

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