Animals see snow for the first time

December 5, 2014 • 2:58 pm

I’m always amused to see pets encountering their first snowfall, an experience that must flummox most of them. Bored Panda has a big site (40+ pictures) showing animals experiencing their first snow. There are bears, panda and otherwise, cats, and d*gs. Of course I’m showing only the cats here. If you want d*gs, go over to the site, for if you’re a d*g lover, you’ll find much to like. The cats are definitely less taken by snow than are the d*gs.

A Persian cat (from

20-pictures-of-animals-playing-in-the-snow-for-the-first-time-1__700 Cat-First-Saw-Snow4 animals-and-first-snow-persian-cat-2

Jonesy, from imgur


From imgur:


Bengal Cat “Grendel’s first snow experience (from imgur):


h/t: Su

16 thoughts on “Animals see snow for the first time

  1. Kitty no. 1 looks positively panicked! And I can understand why – his or her fur looks like a snow magnet.

  2. Why would cats generally have such an abject horror of snow – My two mogs (Burmillas) go mental when it snows. Having run into the snow they then spend their time trying to shake it off their paws whilst jumping in the air.

    Yet dumb d*gs seem to be oblivious!

    1. I live in New England and adopted a dog from the South. He had evidently never seen snow before moving here; after his first snowfall he stepped off the porch and went into the snow up to his chest. He gave me a “WTF?” look and then decided that it was fun. He started romping in the snow and loving it. He also snaps at snowflakes as they’re falling.

  3. I can just hear those cats going…WTF???

    Many years ago I had a full blood chow. His first experience with snow was a fall of about 6 to 8 inches. I looked out the back window to see him having a wondrous time sticking his nose into the snow and running full speed with the snow flying. Wish I had a video of that but that was in the very early days of camcorders and they were much too expensive.

  4. As I’m now in Munich, and later Vienna, I will hopefully soon see my first snowfall. I’ve seen snow a handful of times but only after a long drive to the mountains and never while it was falling. I expect my reaction will be a little more reserved than those of the cats.

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