Thursday: Hili dialogue

August 7, 2014 • 2:58 am

Is it Thursday already? Where has the summer gone? At any rate, today’s Hili dialogue came with a title: “A Dangerous World.” (Hili was always wary of going across the football field on walkies: it was one segment on the walk from the orchards to the river, and she doesn’t like other people around.)

Hili: I’m looking at those boys playing football.
A: And?
Hili: I don’t think they are dangerous now.
10590596_10203978845098786_464003502461402633_nIn Polish:
Hili: Patrzę na tych chłopców, którzy grają w piłkę.
Ja: I co?
Hili: Chyba teraz nie są niebezpieczni.

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