14 thoughts on “Readers’ wildlife photographs

  1. Thanks for posting this Jerry, and thank you Stephen for the photographs of my absolute favorite bird.

  2. Herons look so much like pterodactyls when they fly.

    I also remember seeing one that came back early one winter who was looking at the ice on the stream with utter disappointment.

          1. I’d appreciate it if she’d tell her yang to stop tossing whales.

            It’s downright irresponsible.

    1. I worked at an observatory out in a lake that would freeze in the winter. Because it was spring fed and did note freeze solid there were many cracks, holes and bits of open water. The Great Blue Herons would stand on the ice for hours waiting for a passing fish to spear. And then sometimes a Golden or Bald Eagle would show up to contest the catch of the day. The herons often won.

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