Tuesday: Hili dialogue

April 15, 2014 • 3:11 am

Hili: These flowers smell delicious.
A: But they are made out of wood.
Hili: Yes, but they were in the attic and they smell of mice.


In Polish:
Hili: Te kwiaty pięknie pachną.
Ja: Przecież to są drewniane kwiaty.
Hili: Tak, ale one leżały na strychu i pachną myszami.

6 thoughts on “Tuesday: Hili dialogue

  1. When I went to get the mail yesterday, I must have stepped in something particularly delicious-smelling; Baihu couldn’t get enough of my feet when I came back in. Yet I don’t remember stepping in anything, and we don’t have mice here….


  2. I enjoy these Hili letters and share them with my sweetheart.

    Please, could you tell me, how to pronounce “Hili”?


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