Year-end website statistics

January 1, 2014 • 7:48 am

Every December 31, WordPress sends me a summary of the year’s statistics for this site, which I’ll include here for your information.

The Mother Teresa post continues to be the most popular I’ve ever posted (over 300,000 views on one day) a bit depressing since it’s was simply my summary of someone else’s paper that critical of Mother Teresa. It was originally posted here on March 5, but got all the views on July 8, when someone put it on reddit. Nevertheless, Catholics continue to find me and beleaguer me with both private emails and angry posts (which I delete) decrying me for besmirching the nun’s reputation.



Worldwide readership:

I have replaced their yearly summary of country views with the one on my dashboard, which is more informative. For obvious reasons the greatest readership is in Anglophone countries; but except for three countries in central Africa, we have them all.

I’m particularly curious about the two views from North Korea, where there is no international internet access. It must be Kim Jong Un—though I’ve published nothing on basketball.

Screen shot 2013-12-31 at 2.30.03 AM

Here, from my own states, are the countries from which we got fewer than 10 views. LOL: we got eight from Vatican City!

Screen shot 2014-01-01 at 9.09.31 AM

And, finally, no surprise here:


Finally, a stat from today’s Amazon that pleases me immensely, especially since my book is four years older than Meyer’s ID screed. Suck it up, Discovery Institute:

Screen shot 2014-01-01 at 8.29.03 AM


77 thoughts on “Year-end website statistics

    1. Ha ha! I learned so much about free will in those discussions. I hadn’t fully formed my ideas until I participated in them. I guess I participated a lot. 🙂

      1. I barely manage to keep up with reading everything let alone commenting over 5000 times. Are you really a committee?

      2. Congratulations are in order then, Diana.
        I’m surprised you edged out Ben! 🙂

        Thanks for your well-considered comments on the serious issues and the very fun comments on the lighter issues.

        I’ve learned a lot from all the other great readers/commenters here, including the Fabulous Five, listed above. And as for the Fanciful Faithfuls (the believers), I’ve reminded how mentally afflicted they really are.

        1. Agreed. Keeping the mind sharp includes reading popular commenter remarks on WEIT. Part of daily education and perspective…everyone needs perspective.

        2. I probably had so many comments because at least half of them are “oops sub” or “please ignore (insert grammar mistake”.

          1. Indeed, simply subscribing to every thread in the past year would have been enough to make it into the top five commenters.

      3. Diana, you should tell me how you manage that! I don’t think I have managed that number on all the blogs I follow combined!
        Happy new year
        And congratulations Prof Ceiling Cat

    2. And all 5 top commenters are ‘top’ commenters — meaning intelligent, thoughtful favorites. Not a troll amongst them! 😉

      1. Whoa, is there any way to bronze this?

        What Ant said!

        If it were quality, not quantity, Sastra would have most of us lapped several times.

  1. Two from North Korea? Well now we know why Kim Jong Un’s uncle was executed. I wonder which article he read.

  2. Why does the Falkland Islands have Malvinas in brackets?
    Virginia doesn’t have CSA in brackets.
    Just wondered.

  3. I’m surprised that Vatican City only shows up with eight views. I would think they’d pay more attention to the competition.

  4. Concats!

    But – where is Antarctic? A whole continent is missing on WP’s map.

    *What has penguins against cats!?*

          1. I was sharing in on some religiously inspired language humor, lol. Of course faith is best left not practiced. Belief in the absence of evidence is not a virtue, any thinking person should see that.

  5. I’m merely a reader here but I ‘do it’ daily; couldn’t do without it. I’m endlessly amazed by the expertise and ready intelligence so freely on tap. Thanks to everybody and a happy new year to all.

    1. I’m surprised there weren’t more views from the Vatican, given the popularity of the slam on Mother Teresa.

      Sometimes people in the religion profession can be more sympathetic and welcoming to atheists and atheism than one might expect. This seems to be because:

      1.) As people who are highly interested in the truth and details of a topic, it can be quite wearying, annoying, and or dismaying to keep encountering fellow believers who show little to no interest in the same thing, all while assuming a mantel of deep piety. Their Catholic faith is the most important thing in their life — but they’re not really sure about the specifics and don’t care. Borrring.

      Atheists are a refreshing change. We disagree, sure — but at least we take the topic seriously. We listen to them carefully and respond on point as well as we can. There’s something much more honest about arguing against the existence of God as a hypothesis than simply accepting it as a moral obligation — with only a token consideration of the pros and cons. Some religious professionals respect it (and want an audience which also does.)

      2.) I suspect that deep study of theology and religious scholarship often leads to atheism. So closet atheists — or folks who cloak atheism in deliberately ambiguous spiritual language — might get a vicarious thrill from seeing some plain speaking for a change.

      Of course, many religious people who hang out in atheist forums insist they only do so to strengthen their faith, as our arguments are so cheap, shallow, and laughable — but I shan’t dignify this rationale with a number (well okay, yes I will … it’s #3.)

  6. I got a copy of WEIT for Christmas and gave a copy of WEIT (not the same copy) to my brother for his birthday two days later. I also bought my brother a copy of The Demon Haunted World for Christmas and my dad bought me the same book for my birthday two days later. Crazy stuff.

  7. but except for three countries in central Africa, we have them all.

    Ah. Unfortunately since all of them are land-locked, and I’m assigned to a deepwater rig, I don’t think I’ll be able to help there.
    I suspect I’ve hauled up the stats for Benin though.

  8. WOW! Nine million views! That’s brilliant! May I take this opportunity to thank Jerry, Matthew, and all the commenters who make this website such a joy to read, for putting in the time and effort to make it happen. I love you guys. Happy New Year!

    1. BTW whatever views you got from Vanuatu were probably me! The connection was terrible or there would have been more.

  9. I was surprised to read in Andrew Sullivan’s round up of his top posts of the year that his best of 2013 got 275,000 views, less than Jerry’s 300,000! I was astonished that such a popular site, with not infrequent national media attention, would be bested by Jerry. This may say more about the fickle nature of viral popularity than anything else, however. Both Jerry and I suspect that Andrew’s daily views average exceeds WEIT’s.

    G.C. Mayer (I’ve never before commented under Ceiling Cat’s ID except when I have authored the post, but I’m in the middle of writing a longish post, and I didn’t want to cycle twice through log out/log in, hence the fuller signature here at the end of the comment.)

  10. Congratulations to all 😉
    especially Diana. I would be higher had I the internet (internerd is what I wanted to type) at home…

  11. 2,010 posts for the year amazes me. I’d never thought to multiply out the average posts/day to a yearly sum. I know JAC didn’t produce every one of them, but certainly most–how prodigious!

    Also, sorta explains where all my time goes…

  12. WOW! Nine million views! That’s brilliant! May I take this opportunity to thank Jerry, Matthew, and all the commenters who make this website such a joy to read, for putting in the time and effort to make it happen.

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