Hili Dialogue: Saturday

December 7, 2013 • 4:11 am

It is snowing in Dobrzyn, and Hili doesn’t like it. And once again she displaces Emma the D*g.

Hili: We all aspire to happiness or at least some measure of comfort.
A: It’s close to the truth.
Hili: I wonder what is a dog’s definition of comfort?
1483001_10202244298256199_1291270680_nIn Polish:
Hili: Wszyscy dążymy do szczęścia, a przynajmniej do jakiegoś komfortu.
Ja: To prawie prawda.
Hili: Ciekawa jestem jaką definicję komfortu mają psy?

5 thoughts on “Hili Dialogue: Saturday

  1. As I type, Baihu is in almost the exact same pose on a pillow that’s almost the exact same color as Hili’s blanket.

    It got cold here, too. No snow; clear skies. But, even at 9:00, all the roofs are still covered in frost — at least, the roofs over houses with decent insulation.

    I’m debating whether to turn the heater on or not. On the one hand it’s 67° inside. On the other, it’d be the first time this season, and I’m wondering how long I can go….


  2. A dog’s definition of comfort is being with someone that loves them.
    Blankets and pillows are a gratefully-received bonus.

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