12 thoughts on “Birds from Barnard

    1. Idaho state-wide politics is generally a one-party disgrace. My county, Blaine, is the only progressive one in the state. We’re also the richest and the best educated. 🙂

      1. What about Ada County (1/A) though? Oh yeah, those Mormons …. 🙂

        Holy crap, you’re within spitting distance of both Borah Peak and Crates of the Moon NP.

        Hailey is the largest city in the County with only 8000 people. Wow.

  1. That’s a really cool shot of those ducks, with what I suppose are all three basic wing configurations, and particularly cool that you got it with only three ducks in the shot.

    1. That’s an incisive comment. I take lots of photos of birds on the wing, and you’re right. Each bird has a canonical wing pose, but there are other poses not represented in that shot. A largish bird like a duck or, more dramatically, a goose or a swan has a complex poetry of motion when it’s spooked to take off from water. Mallards explode. Larger waterfowl use their legs and literally run across the surface to get lift. The photo is a little on the artsy side for me. I’m more interested in stop-action realism.

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