Great soul songs. 6: “Give me just a little more time”

May 25, 2013 • 12:20 pm

We wind up Soul Song Week (given that I have a gazillion more songs, I reserve the right to continue this in the future) with a very soulful song: “Give me just a little more time,” a 1970 hit by  the group Chairmen of the Board. It went to #3 on the Billboard chart, becoming the group’s only bit hit. The part beginning at about 2:10 is one of the most soulful musical moments ever.

The song was written by the now-familiar team of Holland/Dozier/Holland. It’s content, as described by Wikipedia, sounds trivial, as it indeed is, but so what?

“Give Me Just a Little More Time” features Chairmen of the Board lead singer General Johnson as the narrator, begging a lover who rejected him to reconsider and give him “just a little more time”.

There’s a cover by Kylie Minogue, but we needn’t go into that.

8 thoughts on “Great soul songs. 6: “Give me just a little more time”

  1. Does “Ain’t No Sunshine” (Bill Withers, 1971) count as soul? I guess not; I suppose it’s more R&B. But it’s still a great song, even of it’s a different genre.

    1. Heh, reminds me of a a bad joke.

      Q. How do you turn a Duck into a soul singer?

      A. Put him in the oven until his Bill Withers (geddit)

  2. Was sorta hoping the Drifters might make an appearance this week. Maybe in the continuation?

  3. Yes that’s a pretty odd choice.
    I didn’t find anything there that appeals to me, unlike your other choices so far.
    Oh well…

  4. But, but, but, the subjective feelings triggering such content are not trivial, and such songs provides important emotional release/identification. Happily soul music provides a lot of choice for most of us.

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