14 thoughts on “Earth Day doodle

  1. Nice… but what is with the clear depiction of a FLAT EARTH!!!

    And no Turtles All the Way Down to hold it up, either.

    Just the river that runs through it cascading to …

  2. Naturally, petty old Internet Explorer (Ver. 8) does not display the animation.

    When will MS get over the fact that they are not the greatest at everything? 🙂

    1. Astronomy fail with timing of moon rise too. Moon rise differs according to moon phase.

      But still pretty cute.

  3. As an individual I believe in evolution because throughout my research I have found many things that support it. For example : -Paleontology shows us that organisms have changed steadily over time, as reflected in the fossil record. The living organism have being evolving slowly in order to adapt to its surrounding. This itself is a prove of evolution and is a fact that creatures did evolve and didn’t look the same throughout their lives.

    Bio geography shows us how new species only arise near very similar species. Similar species share a common time and place. This shows that because animals who are similar in characteristics live next to each other is because they evolved from one thing type previously. Fossils have been found by scientists that were compared to similar animals today and it was shown that they have changed in order to adapt to the environment change.

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