A milestone

April 12, 2013 • 3:50 am

As of a few minutes ago, I got this for the all-time traffic here:

Screen shot 2013-04-12 at 6.45.20 AM

Given that we’re averaging about 20,000 views per day, this will pass 20 million some time today—assuming the regular readers will still check in despite my being on the road.

I never expected so many people would check in, and I’m grateful (I won’t say “humbled,” because that’s what the faithful say). But thanks to all the readers who come here regularly, and for forming a community that I’m quite proud of.  The commentary is informed and without rancor, readers cover every area of expertise possible, and we’ve managed to avoid the drama that infests other websites. And special thanks to Drs. Matthew Cobb and Greg Mayer, who often contribute posts and their own special knowledge of biology.

To celebrate, I’ll do my best to hold some bats today and put up pictures when I return to Chicago tomorrow.

45 thoughts on “A milestone

    1. Congrats also from Australia. You are a consummate academic who also has formed and contributes to this, and the wider community.

  1. Congratulations! 😀

    Just out of curiosity, do those counts include views via RSS, like through Google Reader? That is how I usually get most of the content from this site (while it lasts; still looking for a good Reader replacement).

    1. Also, many of us just read the email updates we are sent without coming directly to your website, so there are many readers not being counted.

    2. The least frustratingly different reader for me is The Old Reader.

      In my case, however, I don’t really read the item in the RSS viewer. I usually open it in a new tab, unless it’s something I won’t read in full.

    3. The WordPress stats distinguish between onsite and syndicated views. Only onsite views are included in the individual post view totals, so I think that the website view totals are similarly restricted.

  2. Bats good, dingbats bad! Hope the next 20 mill hits bring as much energy and sense to the Internet.

  3. Reading WEIT makes me think that there might be some hope after all. Please keep up the good work, Prof. Coyne, guest bl–err, that is, website content providers, & also the awe-inspiring commenters. Kthxbai!

  4. Jerry- thanks for all the excellent material you write yourself as well as the interesting articles you point us to.

  5. Very cool! Have you plotted views/d over time (or is the data even available?)? I assume it’s increasing but would be interested in the rate of climb.

  6. Congrats!

    Prof. Coyne summed up very well why so many of us come here. I’m particularly impressed with the range of expertise in the comments section.


        1. I’m definitely not here for the boots photos.
          But hey I’ve got a pal who collects clocks and I don’t get that either. But, this site offers something for everyone. 🙂


  7. This website is a shining example of how people can be positive, informative, funny . . . all the great qualities you want to name, without ever resorting to baser actions. It’s rare, it’s refreshing, and it’s exciting. No other site I visit comes close to providing such an absence of crudity, and that includes sites with similar purposes to yours. I love it when the culmination of how something can be and perhaps ought to be is actually borne out (sorry for the bad grammar). It’s rare, but it does happen. And in this case, as, I suspect, in all successful cases, without supervision from the supernatural.

  8. That’s great news, Prof. C! Please put up the tally when it reaches around 20,000,000. I wanna take a screen shot.

    Your offerings are very well-informed and researched, your tone very fair-minded and gentlemanly, your writings edifying, elucidating, inspiring and excellent. Did I mention *fun* too?!

    Congratulations to your excellent regular contributors too.

    I usually comment on only the biology and food offerings because, when it comes to your postings on religion, I can generally only add “THIS!” 🙂

    You’re a class act!

  9. Congratulations, I enjoy reading all your posts, even the ones I don’t have the background to fully understand. While I rarely contribute, I learn something every day.

  10. I come here every day and find something worthwhile to read every day. Many thanks for that (a reader from the Bay Area, California).

  11. This is an excellent blog. I always learn something. It has – Animals – Atheism – Evolution and Food pics…


    Seriously, congrats. And please continue posting your thoughts, teachings and musings.

    Cheers from the wilds of eastern Canada.


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