29 thoughts on “Proof that cats are the root of all evil

  1. As I recall, the villain in the James Bond stories, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, was fond of cats. That’s proof enough!

    1. There are arguments both pro and con Trotsky. In any case he was not among the people shown above. Trotsky was a cactus lover, at least in his last years in Mexico, and he wrote glowingly of how only after Darwin’s work could one see that there was a scientific basis for classification.

      1. Trotsky also liked chickens, as I learned when visiting his house not long ago in Mexico City (a fascinating place). And to the commenters below: both of the top two pictures are Lenin. Trotsky didn’t look anything like him.

        1. Listen to Jerry: the first picture is definitely Lenin. A little web work showed that Trotsky owned dogs, by the way. As for his love of cactuses, Trotsky took up their study for distraction while he was in Mexico. What fascinated me was that his few utterances on their classification are not only Darwinian, they have echoes of the Modern Synthesis. One wonders whose book he read. Someone visiting his home in Coyoacan could report on which biological tomes he had on his bookshelf.

    2. A well known story is that when Victor Adler objected to Count Berchtold, foreign minister of Austria-Hungary, that war would provoke revolution in Russia … he replied: “And who will lead this revolution? Perhaps Mr. Bronstein sitting over there at the Cafe Central?

    1. Pope Ratzy likes cats?

      I rush to point out, it’s not the cats’ fault that Pope Ratzy likes them! This is just guilt-by-association. NO WAY does that prove that cats are evil.

      Ceilingcat knows, cats are above all those pathological human social behaviours.

      1. Katz and Ratz — can’t work out as a long-term relationship.

        (In a ham and eggs breakfast, the chicken is involved; but the pig is committed.)


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