Wake up!

January 27, 2013 • 5:16 am

This should get your juices flowing even faster than a latte with a double shot (my favorite morning tipple). It’s a parrot singing Russian songs in a Russian shower—a duet with its owner. The bird shows amazing musical talent, and perhaps a reader who knows Russian can fill us in on the songs. And perhaps a parrot lover can identify the species.

The bird even applauds its own performance with “Bravo! Bravo!”

UPDATE: Reader Michael has named the three Russian songs sung by the bird in comment #2 below, with links to the originals. Do compare the bird’s performance with these, especially the third (“Red Hat’s Song”, starting about 28 seconds in that video). Remarkable!

h/t: P.

17 thoughts on “Wake up!

  1. Lovely! There’s around a dozen uploaders of this on Youtube
    THIS ONE appears to be the oldest & gives this information:-

    From 0:05 to 1:05 the parrot is singing the song “Беловежская пуща” (Belovezha Forest).
    Original for comparison – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IXjLrUcXTE

    From 1:12 to 1:40 the parrot is singing “Птица счастья” (Fortune Bird).
    Original for comparison – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlQiDbgqijs

    From 1:42 till the end – “Песня Красной Шапочки” (Red Hat’s Song)
    Original for comparison – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSDuvjMjEaQ

    1. I’ve replaced the original video with the one you linked to, as it had a larger picture. Thanks for the information!

    2. The version I’ve linked to is cropped top & bottom so it can’t be the absolutely original video upload

      1. our comments crossed there 🙂 It would be nice to identify the person who captured this moment, but that’s a big ask on Youtube

  2. It appears to be a yellow-naped Amazon parrot. And I can assure you that the bird should be speaking Russian (or any other language) just like the song because parrots–particularly the bigger ones like Amazons & African Greys–mimic *exactly* what they hear.

    –Lance (former African Grey owner)

  3. My conure, who tend not to be good speakers, has learned to imitate one of my cats. The cat has a particular meow when he wants out. The bird can also imitate my wife’s laugh, so when I drop whatever I’m doing to let the cat out (who is happily sleeping on a dining room chair), I hear “Hah, hah, hah” from behind me.

    1. hah hah hah [so to speak]

      Conure means parakeet right?
      Does your parrot pull this trick on just you?
      If the cat’s outdoors does the parrot not pull the trick?
      Do you think the parrot is planning this or is it a programmed series of [woof woof] behavioural moves?

      [Free will comments unwelcome 🙁 ]

      1. Michael, the first few times he did it the wife was home and laughed, so Beydo just added that to his routine. Depending on what expert you read, conures are either small parrots or large parakeets (I prefer small parrots because I’ve owned both and their behavior mostly resembles parrots).

  4. Amazing virtuoso performance! I notice the bird is also getting wet – obviously he(?) doesn’t mind taking a shower.

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