Caturday Felid II: Simon Gato

October 27, 2012 • 10:57 am

Walking out of the Red Lion Inn in this morning for my quotidian latte, the door was opened for me by an employee who was also letting out a black and white cat.  Inquiring, I found that the cat, who was in very good shape, was the Official Cat (also called the “Lobby Ambassador“) of the Red Lion Inn. His name is Simon Gato, and he has his own Facebook page.

Of course I took his photo. Heeeeere’s Simon:

12 thoughts on “Caturday Felid II: Simon Gato

  1. You are lucky to have the chance to see Simon alone…..he is so popular, sometimes there is a line of fans waiting to pet him. Enjoy your time at the Lion.

    1. Why the smiley? You do know that what you linked to is over the top ridiculous? If you want to raise peoples awareness of the damage unmanaged / mismanaged domestic cats can do to an ecosystem, you would be better off not giving people reason to think you are a kook. The over the top sadistic anthropomorphising of the cats does just that. Anyone that thought that that is really how “you” think of cats has good reason to suppose you are slightly nuts, have ulterior motives, or both. The data presented is accurate and can pretty much speak for itself.

      It also seems curious that you would suppose that a biologist with a noted interest in cats would not already be aware of this aspect of their behavior.

    2. Okay, several people have posted this link before and it’s been hashed over endlessly. Yes, we all know that outdoor cats kill birds. The discussion is done on this website, and I don’t want to see it begin all over again each time I post a Caturday felid. Okay?

      And yes, the smiley face is bizarre.

      That’s it for this discussion–for the next year, at least.

      1. Good lord, it seems people have a chip on the shoulder here about cats. For what it is worth, let me reiterate that the source is a comic: it is supposed to be over-the-top humor with only a grain of truth. I realized that might not be enough, so I even put on a smiley, and I get called bizarre on that.

        I am sorry to say this, but what is frankly bizarre is this imputation of intent without any grounding in fact.

      2. And perhaps I should make this amply clear just to make sure: both you and darelle were completely wrong about my motivations behind the posting. I just imagined people who like posts about cats might also like humor about them. Probably they don’t. But that is still no reason to impute false intent.

  2. Read the bottom of the first link and the comments. Ironic given a book on that topic was the focus of a somewhat recent post on this website.

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