Autographed books, etc.

October 24, 2012 • 2:27 pm

Some people who got their autographed and cat-pictured copies of WEIT have responded with pictoral thanks: this is from Todd and Stephanie, showing their moggie Troy:

The rest of you hold on; books will be shipped out when I return from the UK in late November. And then there will be a chance to bid on a single book autographed by A PASSEL OF AWESOME INTELLECTUALS AND HUMANISTS, as well as by me (with a Coyne cat drawing included). But wait—there’s more!: the inked pawprint of a famous cat.. All proceeds will go to Doctors without Borders.

UPDATE: Another photo arrived, making this the start of an Infinite Cat Project. Note the swell drawing of a cat along with the autograph.  You, too, could have had one of these had you donated but $100 to Doctors Without Borders. But you’ll have the chance to bid on a single unique autographed volume that is FAR more awesome.

And the third and final Infinite Cat photo:

34 thoughts on “Autographed books, etc.

      1. I believe so. Also, technically/scientifically correct. The French (my fellow citizens) ate horse meat. Brazilians eat some interesting animals we don’t normally eat in Europe too. Insects are popular in various parts of the world.
        Is there an exception for cats here?

        1. In short, yes. Don’t talk about eating cats as some kind of joke. You’re new here, aren’t you?

          1. Armadillo, that’s the one I was trying to remember that they eat in Brazil. I’m not quite new here. Five or six months, perhaps? I’m a huge fan. Do ignore my EU humour. I’m 100% behind animal rights.

          2. BTW- I was the one complaining you spoke to the people on the BBC doc as if speaking to equals. If something is entirely unreasonable, shouldn’t that be said? I know religionists distort positions for certain ends and at the same time we like to think of ourselves as clever- but isn’t evolution a little bit (or a lot) obvious knowing what we now know? Should religious assertions be given credence and a platform as if they were equal?

    1. Asians don’t eat cats, dogs yes (they’re supposed to provide strength to help through the winter months), but not cats.

      1. ‘Asians’ covers a hell of a lot of ground (literally and figuratively). Dog meat is eaten in various places both in and outside Asia. Many Asian countries and regions don’t consider eating dog meat appropriate.

        As I understand it, cat meat is eaten in some parts of China although it doesn’t seem to be routine. My impression is that it is generally considered a bad thing these days. Same goes for Korea and Japan.

        There might be some truth in the idea that cat (and dog) meat is a sort of ‘traditional’ food in some of those areas and others, such as parts of Africa, Europe and the Americas.

        I’d prefer it if people didn’t eat cats and dogs. They obviously display behaviour such as curiosity, affection, loyalty, fun and less obviously some sort of empathy and understanding of the world. [ANECDOTE: my cat loves my (or as she’d probably describe it if she could, her) laser pointer. She knows perfectly well that the physical object makes the Awesome Green Spot appear. She gets excited when I pick it up and when I press the button she looks away from the pointer and searches the floor. That is quite sophisticated thinking.] I don’t think we should eat things that can do that, although the line isn’t a comfortable one. Having grown up on farms, I’m quite aware of how intelligent pigs can be, for example.

        But anyway, at the risk of tone/concern trolling, I’m uncomfortable with casual statements like “Asians eat dogs (or cats)”. There are troubling racist overtones such as “ho ho ho, that beef curry you just ate was actually cat” Or rat, or dog or whatever is cultural anathema. The very idea has racist overtones. And undertones. And….er….tones.

        Marella, sorry if I seem to be lecturing you, I’m not. Pink, I kind of hope that I seem like I’m lecturing you.

  1. A paw print from Ceiling Cat?

    Incontrovertible evidence for the feline deity?

    The value is incalculable!

    Can I get a meow, people?

      1. I love cats. I even display the stigmata (red, itchy, watery eyes; hives, difficulty breathing) whenever I’m in their divine presence.

        (srsly I do love them though)

          1. I have *exactly* the same cat-orchestrated wounds about my shoulders. My cat has also spent several hours this morning sitting on my knee and plunging her claws into my chest, triggering allergic reactions galore.

            I wish she could understand that her feet are SHARP. She comes when I call her by name, she understands various words and phrases such as “no” and “WHAT ARE YOU DOING *NOW*?” but she can’t or won’t understand that snicking razors into my flesh might be unpleasant.

          2. That’s actually a sign of very deep affection from a cat. Try giving her a similar kneading chest massage (especially if you’ve got fingernails) and observe her reaction.

            My suggestion?

            Thicker clothing and / or bedding….


          3. Heh, I know it’s a sign of affection or at least of comfort, which I’ll take. I wasn’t complaining although plate armour is the only clothing likely to be effective against those claws.

    1. A paw print from Ceiling Cat?

      … will be made from the (metaphorical) meaty sauce of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

      1. As with so much religion, that makes for pleasant poetry that is utterly unrealistic. Any cat that stumbled across the FSM would eat it whole and clean up the mess, thus leaving behind no marinara markings.

        Incidentally, this also constitutes proof that the FSM is imaginary, for it could not possibly survive in a real universe with actual carnivores. And, since we observe carnivores everywhere….


        1. How often do you see a cat coming off the better in a fight with an octopus?
          Now imagine the odds of a lowly cephalopod managing to best the infinite appendages of the Noodly One?
          I’ve just realised that Georg Cantor must have tried counting the Noodly Appendages, which would have done for his sanity just fine and dandy.

          1. Even a dog could best a dead octopus. (Or very stunned / hypothermic ; I didn’t watch all the way through. I know what a cat looks like eating.)

  2. You have made our day 🙂

    and one more photo with The Book along the lines of the infinite cat project…

    looking forward to seeing what other goodies you have in store to help benefit Doctors without Borders.
    Safe Travels!

    1. Just the one in Mexico City that has already been announced (Nov. 3), and then two public events in late Nov. in Edinburgh and then Glasgow.

      1. I’ll definitely come to the Edinburgh one if I can. At the risk of everyone on the Internet telling me to google it, is there a place to register yet? Is it at the University?

        1. I got the details for the Glasgow meeting before getting stuck at the airport for a couple of days :

          @WellsiteGeo In Glasgow, he’s speaking in our regular venue, the Admiral Bar. In Edinburgh, he’ll be in Appleton Tower, Lecture Theatre 4.

          Map for Glasgow event, November 26th.
          Map for Edinburgh event, Friday November 23rd
          Now … did I get those links right?
          Oh, I see HaggisForBrains has beaten me to it. I’d better run round the hill in the opposite direction!

    1. Well, the deal has expired until I have enough books to renew it. There is only one book that will be up for auction, but you can’t get an autographed/illustrated book simply by donating to DwB now. Sorry!

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