Anne Crumpacker’s new website on secular parenting

October 24, 2011 • 10:38 am

If you’re a regular here, you’ll surely remember the story of Mason Crumpacker, the eight-year-old Texas girl who asked Christopher Hitchens to advise her on good books to read. It was a touching story, complete with Mason’s heartfelt thank-you letter to Hitch and a narrative of the episode written by Anne Crumpacker, Mason’s mom.

Inspired by interest in the affair, Anne has just started a new website (some call it “blog”) hoping to turn her daughter’s meeting with Hitchens into something good that could influence more people. It’s, and here’s her description of it:

Recently I wrote an essay on how my daughter, Mason Crumpacker, met the author Christopher HItchens, who is battling stage four esophageal cancer.  I think that the reason the post became so popular was that people were moved by Christopher Hitchens’s kindness to Mason and how he took care despite his illness to answer her questions seriously.  Their story inspired me to create an interactive blog site—a place where ideas are judged on merit alone, where questions are explored, and where adults and kids can come together to puzzle about life’s wonders.  I would like to dedicate the site in Mr. Hitchens’s honor. is intended as an fun-loving open forum for secular parents and their children. However, you do not need to have a young child or teen still living at home to participate.  We value the wisdom of grandparents and empty-nesters alike.  Also, we would deeply appreciate any academics or professionals who would like to share about their research as well as graphic artists, filmmakers,  and authors who can help make the site really shine.  Feel free to showcase your work as long as it contributes to the discussion.

Socrates believed that the truth could be discovered by asking questions.

Are you willing to try?



22 thoughts on “Anne Crumpacker’s new website on secular parenting

  1. What a wonderful concept! I wish you luck and will participate if I feel I have something to contribute. You might want to check out my new blog site, graygoosegoslingwordpress.

  2. Off to a (gad)flying start. [Well, you have to be there to get that.]

    Good initiative, and I wish a good flight!

  3. Great job. I’ll definitely check it out daily. I need all the ideas I can get for my 8 y.o.
    (Plus I expect to be a classroom teacher in about a year and a half–so I’m sure this will be a great resource for that as well.)

  4. This is awesome. I will look forward to reading more. Who knows, maybe I’ll have a question or two, (or maybe even an answer)!

  5. This issue comes up frequently in the ex-Mormon community. It’s a challenge to leave such a domineering religion and then know where the *real* lines are to be drawn.

    Congratulations on the new site!

  6. Great idea. I’m the author of a kid’s book called Aching and Praying. The story covers Christianity and its ties with slavery and challenges kids (and adults) to think critically. It’s all about asking questions! Good luck with the website, Ann!

  7. Mr.Hitchens inspired me years ago and what he did regarding Mason is exactly what I would have expected from Christopher. “It’s not your compassion,but the amount of passion in your compassion that makes the mark.”

    Your site is a wonderful concept, and I wish you and Mason all the best.

  8. Anne. is for spreading the values of the enlightenment ~ adding to the world good. I’m sure it will be a success & I will drop in to say “hi” regularly & add what I can to the project. Well done to you & yours !

  9. More power to your elbow, we live in Scotland, where, despite helping to give the world the Enlightenment, we are subject to Theocratic encroachment in the Public Realm, all the Best to you and your Children.

  10. It is a well-done site and should be much in demand for parents and others, too. The whole issue of morality, ethics and philosophy has been hijacked by sectarian religions; it’s about time to present alternative thought.

  11. I’m aboard!! Hitchens is a hero, younger than Iam, but a hero nonetheless, wom I admire mostly for his admission of poor punctuation. Brave stand young man.

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