Best webcomic of 2010

January 6, 2011 • 6:04 pm

The Washington Post is having a poll for the best webcomic of 2010.  Now I’m not gonna tell you how to vote, and I can’t muster the numbers that P.Z. can; but let me just say that our Official Webcomic, Jesus and Mo, is one of the nominees, and that P.Z. does look at this site, so maybe he’ll unleash his hordes . . .


32 thoughts on “Best webcomic of 2010

  1. When nominations were solicited, numerous folks were commenting as to how xkcd had become lame. But 2010 was the year of Dirty Harry, Dilution, and The Carriage, let alone Arsenic-Based Life, the perfect quick draw. I love Jesus and Mo, but for pure wit…

  2. Man, the list of nominees sucks. Some of those comics are horrible, and all of my favorite comics (which are also widely popular) aren’t on the list, except for xkcd. Boo, hiss!

      1. Hm, my hyperlinks seem to have gotten stopped by moderation, so here’s just a non-linky list:

        Something Positive
        Questionable Content
        Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
        PHD Comics
        Girls with Slingshots
        Oglaf (very NSFW but hilarious)

    1. Concur. Sluggy Freelance is *still* good, Girl Genius speaks to the (mad steampunk) scientist, and on and on…

  3. Hmmm. . . I had no problem voting against XKCD.

    Granted, 2D Goggles (aka Lovelace & Babbage), Hyperbole and a Half (best newcomer of 2010?), and even the venerable Dinosaur Comics weren’t nominated. So I voted for Jesus and Mo with a clear conscience. (As of this posting, way in the lead with 30% of the vote.)

  4. Good heavens, what an odd list. And they miss a lot of amazing stuff as others have noted. No mention of Ursula Vernon’s “Digger” which saw a major climax near the end of the year. No appearance of Evan Dahm’s (creator of Rice Boy) atmospheric new strip, “Vattu”. No “Hark, A Vagrant”, “FreakAngels” or even “Skin Horse”. It’s a joke.

    That said, I’ll dutifully vote for Jesus and Mo.

  5. How do you people know all of all these web comics? Do you have to subscribe to them individually or is there a site someone can recommend that collects the links or displays them all?

    1. And if you do Android, Beyond Pod is well worth the $7. I use it for podcasts but it says it does everything RSS.

  6. I only visit J&M regularly, and I must say it’s the best, 99% on the mark.
    After I read about the contest (on J&M) I visited the competitors, and definitely J&M is the best. (somebody say you can vote more than once? …)

      1. Or Walking with Boots, all over it. But only because J&M was the best choice of that sorry bunch. (This year, xkcd used to be kick ass.)

  7. Aw man, what about Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal? I thought for sure they’d be nominated.

    If SMBC had been a choice, it would have beat out Jesus & Mo for me. A year ago maybe XKCD would have topped J&M, but XKCD has been a little too hit and miss for me lately. It’s still one I read faithfully, but J&M is better.

    I just discovered slowpokecomics, that’s a good one.

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