10 thoughts on “Screen shot 2011-08-01 at 6.56.03 AM

  1. So it’s the atheists who “get in your face?” More destructive and downright nasty things have been done in the name of God than by atheists. And in daily life in America, it’s dangerous to deny a belief in God – no one could be elected to public office who was truthful about non-belief.

  2. Perversions? An ill thought response from unfortunate individual, I am truly sorry for your inadequacies. Perhaps you will find better company in your “Heaven”, Gods speed in your journey there.

  3. Many destructive things have been done in the name of God but not by God’s will but by people who were not true christians. There are numerous examples but take Hitler himself who took his actions and tried to turn it into Gods will. “I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. ” Anyone can say they are a christian and can profess that what they do is for God and in accordance with him, but only God can tell you what his will is and I can surely tell you the murder of millions was not one of them nor is most of the things blamed on the disasters that have happened in the “name of God”

  4. Actually, atheists do tend to keep it to themselves unless ask. It is religious folks, especially evangelical Christians, who seem to want to shove their ideas down everyone’s throat, and even write their beliefs into the law of the land (school prayer, abortion, blue laws, etc.)

  5. You mentioned the Christian faith, the Jewish faith and the Muslim faith, however you failed to mention Satanism…where does this faith fit in the equation of evolution?? Why do people worship satan? Where did satan come from? Does satan exist…and if so why? What is their agenda?

  6. Jerry,

    You live by faith everyday. Why not live by faith in the one person who can make your life everlasting. I’ll be in the presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, forever and you’ll just be in the dirt or burned.

    What a bad deal you have signed up for.

    1. I believe the faith aspect is a part of the problem. The lack of evidence for god is at the basis for this. We can argue inferential evidence, but it is the lack of solid evidence in the face of facts that diminish the liklihod of god. The rise in outspoken atheism is a reaction to the direction of fundamental and evangelical movements today. They often deny science and reality with dire consequences. Global warming/climate change is not a theory it is a serious repercussion of our modern lifestyle. Denying will not make it less of a problem. Abstinence sex education statistically delays teens from having sex for a total of months it will not stop pregnancy and std’s. Vaccines are not dangerous but necessary to save millions of lives. The religious right campaigns against them out of fear they justify abortions or stem cells research. Its not god atheists hate, it’s those that speak and act on his behalf that worry us.

  7. As a person of Science , i really enjoyed your article in the USA Today .

    With Atheists only 6 % in USA i am a little surprized the article was published .

    Overall what we are seeing in society today is a belief in the supernatural being carried into modern society . People thought it necessary for survival to be reverant to ” God ” .

    Society thought God caused disease , weather , crop health , volcanos , earthquakes etc . In the 1370s , people thought that the Plague was Gods punishment for their sexual immorality .

    Recently , some Japanese thought the earthquake / Tsunami was punishment from a god .

    Morality in a Christian sense has been fraught with hypocrisy from the beginning . During the plague era there were atrocities taking place and moral people often engaged in drunken debauchery and prostitution .

    Often today , there are members of the Clergy getting exposed for sexually molesting children . Those are only the ones that got caught . The conflicts in former Yugoslavia showed what barbarity can take place among differing religious factions .

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