Bob Richards answers Agustin Fuentes

A few weeks back, Agustín Fuentes, a biological anthropologist and primatologist at Princeton, wrote an op-ed in Science about Darwin’s racism and sexism as Fuentes’s way of “celebrating” the 150th anniversary of Darwin’s pair of books The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex. What Fuentes did was treat Darwin as if he … Continue reading Bob Richards answers Agustin Fuentes

Robert Wright takes apart Agustín Fuentes’s critique of Darwin

On May 22 I discussed, or rather criticized sharply, a takedown of Darwin published in Science by by Agustín Fuentes, a primatologist and biological anthropologist at Princeton University. This year is the 150th anniversary of Darwin’s two-part book: The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex. And while there was a good article in the same issue … Continue reading Robert Wright takes apart Agustín Fuentes’s critique of Darwin

A Pecksniffian anthropologist takes down Darwin for being a man of his time

It’s the 150th anniversary of the publication of Darwin’s The Descent of Man (people often forget that it’s paired with another book, Selection in Relation to Sex), and the journal Science has celebrated the year in two ways. The first is an article pointing out, tiresomely, erroneously, and not for the first time, that Darwin was a … Continue reading A Pecksniffian anthropologist takes down Darwin for being a man of his time