Saturday: Hili dialogue

There is a tiny Google Doodle this morning honoring the dead of 9/11. It’s very understated; click the screenshot to see it in context . Good morning on the Cat Sabbath, Saturday, September 11, 2021. Because it’s the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Foodimentary has named the day “National Hot Cross Buns Day/A ‘Day’ … Continue reading Saturday: Hili dialogue

Thursday: Hili dialogue

Good morning on a Thursday, March 18, 2021: National Sloppy Joe Day. It’s also National Sloppy Joe Day, honoring a sandwich I haven’t had in years (it was supposedly invented in Iowa, where they still sell equivalents called “loosemeats”), National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day (?), Oranges and Lemons Day, Goddess of Fertility Day, and Forgive … Continue reading Thursday: Hili dialogue

Sunday: Hili dialogue

It’s the Sabbath for all goyische kats: Sunday, November 15, 2020: National Raisin Bran Day.  It’s also National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day, National Bundt Day, and National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day.  Finally, it’s the Day of the German-speaking Community of Belgium.  If you’re wondering what hermit cookies are, they are spicy molasses/brown sugar cookies … Continue reading Sunday: Hili dialogue