Readers’ wildlife photos

July 28, 2021 • 8:00 am

Thanks to the readers who are keeping this feature afloat, but I always need more photos, so please send in your good ones. I know some of you have them!

Today we have “street” photos from Joe Routon, whose captions are indented. Click on the photos to enlarge them.

This series is of the ubiquitous selfie. Some psychologists say that taking selfies lowers self-esteem, and some say that it raises self-esteem. Some write that they can be harmful, mentally and emotionally; some say they are beneficial. Whatever—they’re a part of our lives. Here are a few that I’ve made on trips.

They’re a wonderful way to capture and remember a special moment, such as this family before the Duomo in Florence, Italy.

Visiting tourists pose for a selfie in Balboa Park, San Diego.
A remembrance of a special meal in Germany.

A keepsake from NYC.

In Florence, with a selfie-stick.

This photo, taken by my wife, shows me foolishly photobombing a selfie in the Vatican Museum in Rome. There’s no fool like an old fool.

5 thoughts on “Readers’ wildlife photos

  1. Like everyone else said – fun photos.

    My wife, my daughter, and I had been doing selfies since before it was cool. We’ve got a few on actual film from when we first got married, and plenty more from when digital cameras became a thing. Back then, there was always somebody to ask if you wanted them to take your picture for you, since it was still rare to see a family trying to take their own picture. But we always made sure to get at least one photo in our standard format. Once that format started to be called selfies and everybody was doing them, people quit asking us about taking the picture for us.

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