Photos of readers

August 28, 2020 • 3:15 pm

We have another entry, folks, and I urge you once again to send me a couple of pictures and a narrative. I have a feeling that there are a gazillion more stories in the Naked City.

Today’s reader is. . . well, he introduces himself, but give him a round of applause for his work with the disabled!

My name is Art Rigsby, 78 years old and retired for 18 years. I spent 9 years in the Army and retired as an IT manager of an electronics company in Silicon Valley. I spent most of my life in California with a few in Idaho before I ended up in Bloomington, IN.

To keep busy I do a lot of volunteer work. I volunteer at a local food bank, do handyman work for seniors, and assist in building ramps for disabled individuals. The ramps are provided free of charge to people who don’t have the funds to have one built.

I have enclosed a picture of me dressed for the job. I was screwing down the boards that comprised the walk way on the ramp. I think I placed about 250 screws that day.

The other picture of me was taken in front of the Gus I. Grisson Memorial in his hometown of Mitchell, Indiana:

I have also enclosed a picture of my cat Cujo. I think he is about 10 years old. My late wife and I got him from out next door neighbor and we converted him from an outdoor cat to an indoor one. Cujo has no teeth. He had 3 teeth when we got him but the vet said they had to go. I suspect his previous owner(s) didn’t take him to the vet very often if at all. I live alone, so having him around makes my day a little better.

27 thoughts on “Photos of readers

  1. Cujo is a beauty! Your work sounds fulfilling. It’s interesting to me that people who worked from a desk for years (as it sounds like you did), gravitate to a more hands-on occupation. I’m impatiently waiting for my turn.

  2. Great photos, and Cujo looks very handsome! Marcus Clawrelius (pretentious, moi?) our stoical outdoor cat is also toothless, but he successfully stands his ground with the local moggies. Apparently, it’s all about body language and his territorial rivals don’t get near enough to discover his lack of teeth.

    Marcus is an outdoor cat because there are no predators where we are in the UK, and he’s never shown much interest in predation. Full disclosure: he did catch one bird several years ago, but it survived his “gumming” and flew away almost immediately apparently unharmed. His chosen philosophical school of thought presumably prepared him for the disappointment.

      1. jezgrobe, thank for your condolences. Cujo did catch a chipmunk one time but I saved it from being gummed to death.

  3. The Grissom museum is one I have made a pilgrimage to, in order to see “Molly Brown”. But what a great, and misunderstood, American.
    I made a bunch of replicas of his Mercury survival knife, which is now in the Cosmodrome.
    I am glad to hear there are others building ramps for the disabled. I have been lucky to have a pretty good relationship with the county inspector, who lets me bypass most of the red tape. Have you had a similar experience?

    1. Max, the organization that designs the ramp has been around a long time and designs the ramps to meet all ordinances. Mo problems passing inspections.

  4. Art, I am curious how it is you did 9 years and got out? Anyway, that’s some good yellow pine you are putting down there. Probably last a long time. Very nice looking cat.

    1. Randall, I was in the Army from 1960 to 1969.
      I think the Vietnam war had a lot to do with my decision to get out. I think I made the right decision.

      1. Very good choice. I was much further behind so going in the AF in 68 to 72 was it for me. I fought the war in England.

  5. Bravo Mr. Rigsby!

    I tried to come up with something fitting that rhymes with “Eleanor”, but oh well.

  6. Great work. I bet volunteering is one of the biggest retirement activities. I’ve done some myself. Mostly weeding in the wildlife refuge.

  7. Kudos for the volunteering and building helpful tools for others.
    Love the Cujo pic. He’s looking right into me, and I sorta like it.

  8. Good for you for making the world accessible, one ramp at a time! And Cujo has a magnificent set of whiskers and… eyebrow whiskers?

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