7 thoughts on “Muppet Teresa and her sainthood

  1. Good one Pliny!

    It was, of course, the Catholic Church themselves who invented the cult of saints, and it was done specifically to make money. Pilgrimage was a huge money-making concern for the Church in the Middle Ages. They even invented Jubilee years to increase income. Those were originally supposed to be every 100 years but the first was so successful, that soon changed too.

    1. It was, of course, the Catholic Church themselves who invented the cult of saints,

      Naaah. The Babylonians were well into creaming 10% off the top of begging dead Grandpa for advice. I would not fall off my chair in astonishment to find that the priests of Göbekli Tepe had the practice too.

  2. Ironic, isn’t it, that anyone would pray to Mutha T for a cure now that she’s dead, when she never showed the slightest interest in curing anyone in her hospices while she was alive?

  3. Pliny, this one is slightly above my level, but your portrait of that fanatic, suffering encouraging (it not sadistic), hypocritical, Albanian dwarf is brilliant.

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