66 thoughts on “A tw**t from Hugh Laurie

          1. You mean we finally meet her non-evil doppelgänger from the other parallel Universe?

            Oh my God(*)!

            (*)no religious meaning intended.

          2. That wouldn’t be an improved version – that would be a buggy, released too soon version.

  1. Now, how many of those who use the expression “Holy cow!” are actually Hindus, who believe that cows are sacred?

    Enough said. 🙂

      1. I’m not an expert on religion, but this quote from the Atheist Manifesto by Michel Onfray, offers some interesting clues to your question…

        “There is no man-made foolery that has not been dragooned into the ranks of putative divinities.

        For those who still doubt the possible excess of religions on the question of support media, let us consider the urine dance of New Mexico’s Zuni, the manufacture of amulets of excrement of the Great Lama of Tibet, the cow dung and urine used for ritual ablution among Hindus, the Roman cults of Sterocorius, Crepitus, and Cloacinus – respectively the divinities of filth, farts, and sewers – offerings of manure to the Assyrian goddes Siva, the consumption of her own excrement by Sushiquecal, the Mexican goddes and mother of gods, Ezkiel’s divinely ordained recipe for the use of human fecal matter to cook food…”

  2. It’s nice to have a celebrity publicly make positive atheism comments – but moreso when the Hollywooder is genuinely dramatically talented and a good person otherwise, as Hugh Laurie seems to be.

    I’ve been a fan ever since his role as the caustic atheist Dr. Gregory House.

          1. The weird thing is that many of us Brits think it really weird seeing him playing House.

            He’s a relatively new T*****r user but is very good value!

          2. I once had the pleasure of flying with him to Los Angeles in Virgin Airways Upper Class. He was a sleep (mouth agape!) the whole flight, however. No chance to speak to him. (I did get Richard Dean Anderson’s autograph, though. He was very polite, even though I accosted him in the queue for the loo.)


          1. “Don’t forget your stick”.

            “Right, I wouldn’t want to face a German machine gun without that!”

          2. Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry also did a sketch show on their own, for four seasons I think, called “A bit of Fry and Laurie”.

  3. Holy (#2) and Jesus F!%#ing Christ are the ones I use most often, unpremeditated. I can assure you that I spare no worry that I might offend a god or imperil my soul when uttering such phrases. The literal meaning is of no importance to me when using such phrases, they are purely a means of expressing the strength of an emotional response I am experiencing.

    1. Personally, I love “Jesus Fucking Christ.” One of my favorites when annoyed in traffic. Naturally, the middle name is an adjective in the sense I use it, not a verb. That would make for some weird connotations, as would my first sentence here without the quotation marks.

          1. Hermaphroditus Jesus, stolen directly from the Greek pantheon, just like the xians have always done it.

      1. On special occasions I sometimes throw in a “crispy” and a “on a stick,” rendering Jesus Crispy Fucking Christ On A Stick. Or sometimes Jesus Fucking Crispy Christ On A Stick. Depends on the rhythm of the moment.

      1. I think it may be one of those phrases, like Cellar Door (the classic example linguists have often used), that are close to some aspect of aesthetic perfection merely for their aural qualities, competely independent of their semantic content.

        Or at least, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

  4. Isn’t there something problematic about bowdlerising the only name for something, when you feel unable to use it in full? During 1984, being superstitious, I preferred to write 1983a (like floors numbered 12A) – only I didn’t risk it on cheques. I could have caused real confusion if I’d written “198*”. (I needn’t have bothered: the universal surveillance is almost here.)

    You could call tweets “twoots” or “micromessages”.
    And dogs? “Catagonists”?

      1. English too. During the First World War, German sausage became Belgian sausage and German bisuits, Belgian biscuits, and here in New Zealand they never changed back. The word for a defaecatorium changes every generation or so as the current euphemism becomes too familiar.

        Jerry’s bowdlerisation also raises the problem of how to pronounce tw**t or d*g without using the forbidden word.

  5. a buncha years back an elderly couple knocked on my door wanting to know if i’d be interested in their pretty bible books. i said no, i’m an atheist, at which both gave a pained “oh no”, as if i’d told them i had cancer.

    seeing an opening, the gentleman slyly asked: “well, what do you say when you stub your toe?”

    i’d never encountered this gambit before but i immediately recognized it for what it was.

    i replied: “i say ‘oh shit!’ why? what do you say?”

    to which, again in unison, they abashedly groaned as if i’d just told a particularly lame or naughty joke — which of course i had, on them.

    apparently they believed my atheism could be dented if not defeated with such weak sauce.

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