And a little child shall lead them. . .

June 26, 2014 • 12:21 pm

Out of the mouths of babes come, well, see for yourself in this grilling of a priest by two kids. It’s apparently from a British t.v. show called “Outnumbered.” Anybody know it?

They’d never allow this kind of stuff on the main commercial channels in the U.S.

h/t: Miss May

45 thoughts on “And a little child shall lead them. . .

  1. Outnumbered is an absolute joy. It purports to be the life of a middle-class London family and their decent into chaos. The best thing about it is that a lot of the kid’s lines are not scripted but ad-libbed. They are given the overall plot of the scene and they then come up with some fantastic lines…

  2. It’s a good show. ‘Outnumbered’ because the parents have three kids. I think it’s largely improvised, or parts of it are anyway, which is how they get that very naturalistic delivery even from child actors.

  3. The best part for me is when the kids take down the obviously morally fallacious explanation for the death of Jesus.

      1. He even looks a little like Alan Davies, with that haircut. One of the best things about the internet is that I can watch QI in Florida. Stephen Fry is just THE BEST!

          1. feck·less



            ineffective; incompetent; futile: feckless attempts to repair the plumbing.


            having no sense of responsibility; indifferent; lazy.

            So, “feck” would seem to be the opposite of that.

            To tell someone to go get “fecked” would seem to be a compliment, or at least an encouragement to repair or optimize the plumbing, eh?

          2. How dost thou know Father Ted so well?
            I was put on to it by an Irish friend who then put me on to Black Books which I’m sure you must be aware of too.

          3. In response to Filipo, feck is supposed to be pronounced with an Irish accent, leading to its correct meaning of f*%$.
            In one episode, Mrs Doyle says something like ‘they say “feck this, and feck that Father, and they use the ‘F’ word”.

  4. ‘Outnumbered’ is great – unfortunately, it’s now ended, since the child actors are now too old (the boy in that clip is now about 6 foot tall).

    One of the writers, Andy Hamilton, was also writer and chief actor in “Old Harry’s Game” – a radio sitcom about Hell. It’s brilliant, and pretty cynical – and it looks like someone has put it all up on YouTube at last – for the first episode.

    1. Thanks for the link to ‘Old Harry’s Game’. I caught it on the radio a few years back when I was in the UK and thought it was brilliant! Been waiting for someone to upload it to youtube!!!!!

    2. Yes, “Old Harry’s Game” was brilliant, and a “must listen” in our house, along with “The Infinite Monkey Cage”

    3. You beat me to it, highly recommended.

      Radio 4 Extra is currently repeating the 2005 series where Satan tries to relieve the terrible overcrowding in Hell by encouraging people to behave better.

  5. The polar bear bit was the best. Really funny show. I’d almost forgotten about it. 😀

      1. Then the father says ‘they do something to goats’. Haha.
        They occasionally air that show on the UKTV channel on our pay tv system.
        That little girl is a crack up.

    1. You have to treat everyone with equal respect.

      What, even idiots. Even people who want to stick you in the eye with a pencil. Even people who want to blow up….

  6. I pull up the scene with the kids lunching with the Anglican priest whenever I’m down. The look he gives the girl as she explains how Jesus is going to fry King Herod never fails to crack me up.

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