Jesus shows up on a pancake—on Good Friday!

April 24, 2014 • 1:17 pm

The Ground of Being (GOB) is notoriously shy to show Him/Her/Itself to his/her/its worshipers—indeed, since he’s nothing like a human, we might not even recognize him were he to show up. After all, he could look like a painting by Rembrandt, a spring daffodil, and, verily, even our own minds when we do a bit of algebra.

That’s probably why The GOB had to send us Jesus, who, although part of God, had a recognizably human form. But Jesus came back only once, about 2000 years ago. Since then, for reasons known best to The GOB, he’s returned only back as various patterns on tree trunks, on tortilla, and now, just last Friday, on a pancake!

CBS2 in Los Angeles has the story, plus a great video that I can’t embed, so go see it.  The story:

Karen Hendrickson, the owner of Cowgirl Café, said a server initially noticed the biblical figure show up in the breakfast favorite on Good Friday.

“He’s got a mustache and a beard, and it looks like he’s got a receding hairline here,” she said.

Hendrickson said the night before the pancake showed up on the grill, she asked God for something.

“I said, ‘Dear God, please just continue to look over the Cowgirl Café,’” she said.

Employee Edgar Ceja also sees the image of Jesus.

“I did see the face. To me, it’s impressive because it was on Good Friday, and I don’t really see that very often,” he said.

While some people see Jesus, others think the face resembles other figures.

“Some people can see Jesus. Some people are saying it looks like Abraham Lincoln or a hillbilly. Some people are even saying it looks like Charles Manson,” Hendrickson said.

Regardless, the pancake is being saved in the freezer.

“He’s still on the same plate he was when he was put up on the window,” Hendrickson said. “I plan on keeping Jesus on this plate and preserving him so I can share him with everybody.”

By “share,” I presume they don’t mean “douse with maple syrup and tuck into him,” even though Catholics do something similar every Sunday. And they really shouldn’t keep the pancake in the store, for it could be stolen. Remember that Jesus on a grilled cheese sandwich fetched $20,000 on eBay! (See below.)

Picture 2

Actually, he looks a lot like Charles Manson to me:


Here’s a short video of religious historian Lisa Bitel showing other examples of Jesus and his family on food items. Note that there’s another Jesus-in-a-flapjack. It’s replicated, so it must be real.

53 thoughts on “Jesus shows up on a pancake—on Good Friday!

  1. the end is near.

    “A 21-year-old tourist has died after being crushed to death by a 100ft crucifix built in honour of John Paul II after it collapsed during a ceremony in the lead up to his canonization.

    “The 100ft high wooden cross, supporting a 90 stone statue of Jesus, created when John Paul II visited the area in 1998, fell suddenly following a few crunches.

    “Marco Gusmini, who was on a church trip to the Alpine village, was unable to get out of the way in time and was killed instantly, Italian media reported.”

    1. A man standing next to Marco Gusmini, who was narrowly spared, proclaimed his escape a miracle due to the intercession of John Paul II.

    1. Most people seem to think it’s either Charles Manson or Frank Zappa. Personally, I think it looks more like Karl Marx.

  2. Jerry,
    I should have filed for a trademark on my reference to the God Ground of Being as GOB. What kind of fool am I?

  3. probably tastes better than those stick on the roof of your mouth wafers !!!!!!
    perhaps the cowgirl cafe could sell them to the local diocese as a more palatable alternative to “the body of christ”.
    if she is correct she only need to pray over a stack of pancakes to get miraculous results.

  4. My favorite part was this:

    “I did see the face. To me, it’s impressive because it was on Good Friday, and I don’t really see that very often,” he said.

    Sure, he sees Jesus in a pancake lots on other days, Tuesdays, Christmas even, but on Good Friday? That just doesn’t happen that often.

  5. One of my first atheist thoughts as a kid was to ask myself why people assumed that the Shroud of Turin showed the image of Jesus as opposed to some other random bearded man from the past. It made me question other strongly held beliefs.

  6. Before I scrolled down to the Charles Manson photo I was thinking “Gee, that Jesus sure looks like Charles Manson.” That would explain the obsession with death cults.

  7. Other sources mention that the pancake itself was shaped like a Mickey Mouse head, so we have to wonder who has the priority in communicating by image.

  8. It looks like Charles Manson (on the right -in profile and looking to the left) with his nose up against a distorted mirror image (on the left).

    (I once met a pretty young girl at a party who mesmerised me. I asked for her name and she replied, with a friendly smile, “Charley Manson”. That reply hung in the air between us for quite some time. Apparently she had no idea)

  9. The face looks like Osama bin Laden to me.

    Now that I think about it, perhaps Harold Camping was right after all and the rapture happened a few days before his prediction – how significant is an error of a couple of weeks compared to the 6000 years of the universe?

    The thing is, only a few real believers were raptured and most of them happened to be in Afghanistan or places like that. Perhaps bin Laden was the new coming of Jesus. He did allegedly die on May 2nd, 2011, a few days before Harold Camping’s predicted date and nobody saw the body.

  10. If you turn it upside down, you got a map of Texas… or Quebec (the province).

    Have faith in Pareidolia, the ultimate Goddess.

    Desnes Diev

  11. Oh it get’s better. There is a family who believes their dog’s anus looks like Jesus and the surrounding fur, his white robe.

    The photo has made the rounds through Facebook. The resemblance is uncanny – at least as far as traditional depictions go. When I saw the photo I laughed so hard I had to leave the coffee house in which I found myself.

    Anyone interested in seeing it can feel free to email me. It’s a tad offensive.

    – James

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