10 thoughts on “Chicago: Sunset with approaching storm

  1. I’ve been to Chicago. Unfortunately I didn’t get to see much of it, but I did go to the Shedd Aquarium and the Adler Planetarium (which, unfortunately, of all the space museums I have been to, was the worst). I remember eating in a (famous?) burger place on a pier(?) and I went up the Willis Tower and stood in the glass box. So, just the touristy things really. But Jerry’s photos make the suburbs look wonderful.

    I live in Oxford, England, so I always find the contrast between American cities and British cities interesting. So much alike, yet so much different. 🙂

  2. Must be nice to live somewhere where the trees turn colors in the Fall. Saguaros don’t, obviously. I have a prickly pear pad cactus out front that turns purple during the dry seasons…that’s about it.

    On the other hand, in the spring, the palo verdes explode with gold, and the ocotillo turns into flaming red sprays, and the saguaros get covered with huge daisy-like flowers, and….



  3. Could the picture be reversed? If the Sears Tower is south of the Hancock, I think that puts the viewer roughly in Lake Michigan instead of surrounded by all that beautiful brickwork and Sweetgum.

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