57 thoughts on “Felicitous misspelling

  1. Another example of the insane hysteria around Obama (a very moderate Democrat) among the far-right of the US. And their mental capacity.

    The GOP can no longer win national elections by appealing only to white men. They are very angry about that.

    The whole government shut down / default fiasco is driven by the same emotions.

    I am not convinced that the right wing nuts in the US House of Representatives are willing to withdraw their hands before they try placing them on the hot plate.

    I believe that a significant segment of them would (genuinely) prefer a global economic implosion to a law that provides for universal health care for US citizens. These people are insane.

    One side of me wants to say: “Go with God” and lose the chance for a national majority (you GOPers) for the a generation or two (as in the 1930s New Deal times). The other side of me wants to legally remove them from office due to their demonstrated insanity.

    1. I think the real motivation behind the repub insanity is not that they are so strongly ideologically opposed to “Obama Care”, but that they are so hungry for the increased access to power and wealth that control of the government will give them that they can not tolerate having the democrat’s approval by the voter base increased. And they know that “Obama Care”, as anemic as it is, will almost certainly do that in a relatively short period of time once people actually use it.

      Hell, there are ignorant citizens in some states who are crowing about how great the new program their state just started is compared to the evil “Obama Care” when in fact the program they are crowing about is “Obama Care”.

    2. “Another example of the insane hysteria around Obama (a very moderate Democrat)”

      But don’t you realize, *whispers* the guy in charge of our of our country is blaaack!*/whisper*

      Hysteria in the face of oppression is no vice and since the Geriatric Old-folks Party is pretty much the party of Whitey, then it’s obvious a black President is oppressing them and they MUST get hysterical. You really can’t blame them.

        1. Until now I hadn’t realized the enormous blame drain a GOP in power would inaugurate.

          Which reminds me of the background of a recent Girl Genius cartoon, where a mounted buck head bears the sign “The buck stopped here”.

          1. Dawkins is certainly responsible for all the evil in the world. Man, I wish I had that kind of power!

      1. Yes, there definitely is that thread too. Many hate him because he has excessive melanin concentration in his skin. (Like that has anything to do with his qualifications for office.)

        In spite of Obama’s breaking of one of the most solid glass ceilings in the US, we are not a post-racial nation.

  2. What is really scary is the long-term infiltration of the end timers into government…no wind they are pulling out Sarah Palin and Bachman, two notorious fundies who welcome the rapture: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/deborah-caldwell/christian-dominionism-debt-default-_b_4097017.html?utm_hp_ref=politics&ir=Politics

    If the U.S. breaches its debt ceiling this week, bringing with it the global financial panic economists predict, leaders of a little-known far-right movement called Christian Reconstructionism can claim partial responsibility. Their goal: to eradicate the U.S. government so that a theocratic Christian nation emerges to enforce biblical laws.

    That’s right — laws out of the Book of Leviticus prohibiting adultery, homosexuality, and abortion, with penalties including death by stoning.

      1. No, indeed.

        …aaaaand, though the Senate is ready to go, the Club for Growth is telling House GOP members that they’ll rake them over the coals if they vote in favor of the Senate deal. Honestly, I wouldn’t make bets either way at this point. We probably won’t know if we’ll default or not until 12:01 tomorrow morning….


          1. Hey, I finally got a prediction right!

            As of a bit after midnight last night Eastern time, Obama had signed the bill and the crisis was averted by the literal skin of the teeth.

            This is not how to run a government….


          2. Literally metaphorically speaking, even!

            Would you go for a metaphorical interpretation of the literal metaphorical sense of the originally modified phrase?


  3. I know I shouldn’t care, but can we get this straight: does Antichrist need a definite article or not? Is the Pope Antichrist, or the Antichrist? I believe the former is correct, and the latter is an American idiom (i.e., “He’s the anti-Coyne”).

  4. In the Hopi legend, the good people were saved twice by going underground to live with the ant people while the earth was destroyed, first by fire, then by ice… but there’s no mention of an Ant Christ; however, the Ant People were certainly messianic in their behavior.

  5. Uh oh, my hard fought (and lost) campaign to exterminate the ants in my parents driveway may have unforseen reprecussions!

  6. Trouble is, the poor driver probably couldn’t give you three solid facts about the anti-christ, based on the information found in the book he claims to be the gateway to truth.

  7. This reminds me of a poem about the ant Grim Reaper:

    Death of Ants

    There is an ancient tale told
    By ants all nimble grim and bold
    Of Death awaiting in the wood
    A skeletal ant in cloak and hood
    Who carries at his three-leg’d side
    A fearful dark and keen-edged scythe
    To free the restless from their chores
    And carry them to better shores
    Where lumps of sugar lie all ’round
    And honey mixes on the ground
    Elysium field for formicidae
    So says the hexapedal padre

    So when your time has come, my friend
    To meet your maker at the end
    Of life devoted to the queen
    You will observe a curious scene
    As Death arrives upon his steed
    An aardvark black and fearsome he
    Of flaming eyes and pig-like nose
    And claws that scratch the dust and toes
    That search for tasty souls to eat
    Of fallen ants upon the street
    While Death above doth swing his scythe
    And sends them to
    The other side.

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