14 thoughts on “The meaning of life

    1. There’s a legal limit on how many patoots can be present per ton of cereal, but it’s not very low. They’re tastier than you might think.

  1. There is an old shaggy dog story about the man who consults many savants (Einstein, Schweitzer, etc. etc.) about the meaning of life and is dissatisfied with their prognostications. He meets a man who tells him that in the heights of the Himalayas there is a swami living in a cave my an astoundingly beautiful fountain who knows the meaning of life. The man undergoes many dangerous and painful tribulations but eventually finds the recluse. The fountain is truly beautiful. The man asks the swami, “What is the meaning of life?”. “Life is like a fountain”, repliers the swami. “What?”, says the man, “I came all this way, risking death, to have you tell me that life is like a fountain”.

    The swami, looking anxious and nonplussed
    leans forward and says “Life is not like a fountain ???!!”.

  2. I’ve always wanted to amass a collection of these “meaning of life/guru on the mountain” cartoons! Maybe it’s time to start.

  3. This may not travel well, I’m not sure if it will mean much outside Britland but…

    Similar search for enlightenment / guru consultation situation as above. The seeker spends days climbing in the Himalaya to discover a plateau, in the center of which, a wizened old guru sits cross legged. “Tell me”, says our shivering hero, gasping for what oxygen he can find, “the secret, the meaning of life; what’s it all about”? The wise old guru, placid as a summer’s day, (in Dorset) slowly opens his eyes, fixes our hero with a kindly gaze and says “You do the Hokey Cokey and you turn around – that’s what it’s all about”.

    1. This is probably the only word where we Australians side with you Americans.
      We call it the hokey “pokey”.
      In New Zealand, its the hokey “tokey”.

    1. The author’s name on the copy I read was Kilgore Trout, I always assumed Vonnegut wrote it. Thanks for the tip (not that I recall any of the content).

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