Scientific Americat

December 1, 2011 • 12:48 am

by Matthew Cobb

At last, Ollie and Pepper (and all their feline friends) have their very own scientific magazine!

funny science news experiments memes - I Wouldn't be Surprised if This Was Real

First announced over at Meme Base/Dropping the Science, Scientific Americat is in need of new features, and I think WEIT readers are well placed to help the editors with potential stories. Among those suggested by readers of Meme Base are “Schroedinger’s Cat – you don’t know if the article is in the magazine until you open it” and “When We Were Gods — The halcyon days of ancient Egypt.” Post your ideas here and we will send them on to the team of Scientific Americat.

Via @BoraZ and @Laelaps on Twitter

51 thoughts on “Scientific Americat

  1. “Schroedinger’s Cat – you don’t know if the article is in the magazine until you open it”

    Perhaps better:

    “Schroedinger’s Cat – it, in fact, is both IN the magazine and NOT in the magazine until you open it”

    1. <blockquote?“Biology of catnaps – practice makes purrfect.”I believe that Dutch catnip specialists are working on a conventional breeding programme to increase the strength of herbal catnip available to the purrfect public. After the corresponding breeding programme that developed “skunk” cannabis in the early- to mid-1990s, the naming of the proposed “super-catnip” is open for grabs.
      Volunteers for the quality-control phases of the breeding programme are being sought, and the readership of “Scientific Americat” are invited to apply.
      (This is a parody of the true development of “skunk” ; and I have to take my hat off to the self-control of the testers in not smoking all their best crosses. Impressed.)

  2. Is it just wishful thinking on my part, or does it seem cat lovers far outweigh dog lovers, when it comes to us atheists? Wish someone would do a study on that…

  3. Teleportation – how a cat can be “missing”, then appear right in front of you.

    The speed of sound – a cat can hear a can of tuna before it’s opened.

    1. I’ve concluded that this happens because even cats that normally deign to come when called consider that they have “come” as soon as they can see the caller, regardless of how well camouflaged they might be.

  4. Speaking of feline teleportation: my cat Cuddles (aka “Little Girl” and “Little One”) spends a great deal of time shooting death stares to one or another of the various treat containers spotted around the house. I’m convinced she’s trying to use feline telekinesis to make the lid fly into the air, followed by a cloud of cat treatz for her to gobble as they fall to the floor.

    So far no luck! Poor Cuddles! Here, Cuddles, have another treat.

    Cuddles is an extremely affectionate cat but only on her own terms. Other times, she’s the Grand Mistress of the Stare of Hate. She offers lessons to those with difficulty hating: “Cuddles Teaches the Two-minute Hate”. Just like something out of Nineteen Eighty-Four.


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