Dawkins paperback tour

October 1, 2010 • 11:51 am

UPDATE:  Oh dear, these all appear to be sold out.  Sorry—I didn’t check.

This fall, Richard is promoting the paperback edition of The Greatest Show on Earth in the U.S.  I know we have readers in some of the cities where he’ll speak, so check it out. Here’s the latest schedule; the details are here.

Duke University, Durham, NC:  Oct 3

Wortham Center, Houston, TX  Oct 5

Cal Tech, Pasadena, CA  Oct 6

15 thoughts on “Dawkins paperback tour

  1. I’m really pleased that he’ll be coming to Duke, normally we don’t get a whole lot of famous book tours coming through NC. Looks like it will be a packed house.
    Does anyone know if he’ll mind signing copies of his books that are not The Greatest Show on Earth? I never know what etiquette is in these situations.

  2. Yeah, thanks for nothing. =P It was only because I happened to hear about it on the radio that I even knew the event was happening in Houston, so I got some tickets for the nosebleed section… and some tickets for Richard Leakey in a few weeks, also. =D

  3. I heard him speak on Wednesday in NYC (for free!). It was great! He basically outlined the book. He was at his best during the question-and-answer section. He seems fine with signing books that are not The Greatest Show on Earth. Oh, and there were some fundies handing out the Banana Man’s version of On the Origin of Species outside, so be ready to have friendly conversations and to accept free copies of Darwin’s little book with some free kindling in the front (Ray Comfort’s introduction)!

  4. Technically, there are still overflow tickets to the Duke event.


    Search for “dawkins.” Unfortunately, it’s in another room with a screen, but still. And the book signing for Duke, by the way, is only 1.5 hours long, 12:30 – 1:50, with the event at 2.

  5. I saw Dawks in Manhattan this past Wed. at Cooper Union. I finally met him; but I was fourth from last and he was exhausted and pretty anxious to get the hell out of there by then! But I got to tell him how his books helped me get out of Xianity. He seems a decent sort – most scientists I’ve met, no matter how famous, are shy & socially awkward. But a fun night.

  6. I saw Dr Dawkins at Howard University on Tuesday. He had a long day and was tired. But got the books signed. There were plenty of seats in the auditorium at Howard U and so people could have come there.

  7. I didn’t hear about it here (Durham NC area) until it was sold out, and I’m not much for watching it on a screen – I can do that online 😉

    The local paper, the Durham Life, Etc. section of the News & Observer, featured Dawkins on the front page of that section on 9/30, with an article entitled “Actor sees God in US origins” on page 2, featuring none other than Kirk Cameron. I have to commend them for hitting such opposing ends of the intelligence spectrum…

  8. So, the talk was good, he basically went over each chapter in his book and talked about it. The Q&A was much more fun, and he seems like a much more humorous and friendly person that I was expecting, and he made us laugh repeatedly. He even recommended WEIT as another resource for biology teachers on top of his own books.

    Oddly, after it was over, we were asked to clear out as quickly as we could so a bishop could bless a whole mess of dogs.

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