Sam Harris on the war, jihadism, and morality

I’m on my way back to Chicago, and I strongly recommend that if you have an hour to spare, you can’t do better than spend it listening to Sam Harris’s excellent podcast on the war. In an earlier post I linked to the written transcript, but the audio version is below. I have to admit … Continue reading Sam Harris on the war, jihadism, and morality

UNC adopts both of Chicago’s free-speech principles

I am informed that the Board of Trustees at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has adopted both the Chicago Free Speech Principles, and the Kalven Principles that undergird free speech at the University of Chicago. The former guarantees the freest speech of any American university;  the latter ensures that no units of … Continue reading UNC adopts both of Chicago’s free-speech principles

A comment worth highlighting

Just to give kudos to a reader for some cogent remarks, here is a comment from “Rupert Pupkin” on my post “Agustin Fuentes once again flaunts his virtue via misleading statements.” The indented bit is from Fuentes’s Daily Princetonian article: The Social Justice theocrats are almost impossible to debate, as they are fundamentalists who honestly believe … Continue reading A comment worth highlighting

Jordan Peterson explains his “religion”, emitting more waffles than IHOP

The other day, when Richard Dawkins answered two questions from Jordan Peterson, I noted this: Whatever else there is to admire about Peterson, his affection for religion, which may be of the “Little People” variety (e.g., “I am no believer, but religion is essential for everyone else as a social glue”), is not only an acceptance … Continue reading Jordan Peterson explains his “religion”, emitting more waffles than IHOP

Wednesday: Hili dialogue

Welcome to a Hump day (“Hump ni” in Mizo), October 11, 2023, and National Sausage Pizza Day (vegetarians are allowed to use tofu sausage, shown below). It’s also National Fossil Day, Kraken Day, International Day of the Girl Child, National Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work and School Day, Southern Food Heritage Day, International Newspaper Carrier … Continue reading Wednesday: Hili dialogue

One response to Agustín Fuentes’s Darwin-dissing

On May 21 the anthropologist Agustín Fuentes published a tirade in Science against Darwin for being racist, sexist, and white supremacist—the inevitable takedown of a man who was far more liberal than his Victorian contemporaries (Darwin was, for one thing, an ardent abolitionist). And yes, Darwin did entertain some views that were racist and sexist, … Continue reading One response to Agustín Fuentes’s Darwin-dissing